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Axe-Fx 3 good and reliable for live shows?

Martin Vaz

Hi everyone, so basically I'll like to ask current Axe Fx 3 users if this unit is good and reliable for live shows? I'm thinking on purchasing one this units and i really like the idea of not carrying a lot of heavy amps and pedalboards and all of that to the gigs, love what i hear on youtube videos about it, but haven't been able to find anything about it in live situations, thanks guys.
I’ve been using an Axe FX since 2009.
First the Ultra then the Axe FX II and the Axe FX XL.... I’ve been using the the Axe FX III since March... I’ve never had a single problem using them Live... hundreds of shows in all weather conditions.... for 9 plus Years....
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It was designed and built for either live or studio use. I use it for both and although it's early days for the AxeIII, their predecessors are a good yardstick for how Fractal gear holds up.

I know you're on a Fractal forum and therefore likely to get a slightly more biased view, but if you buy one of these puppies you most definitely won't be disappointed. And, your body will thank you for not torturing it anymore with lugging heavy gear around.

Buy one and bathe in its full glory!:)
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Def Leopard, Metallica etc all seem to have faith in them and they play pretty shows night after night.

Figure if it works for them......
Hi Martin,

I'm also in MrGuitarAbuse's corner - IE; The Axe FX III is meant for live use (so it will be reliable) however a backup is necessary if you want to know you'll never be without a sound. Considering the hundreds of amps & effects in the AXE FX, if it was to fail it'd be pretty bad for the gig - Unless you have a backup :)

I’ve used my III live about 14 times now and it’s been perfectly solid. I don’t jump to latest FW right away like I used to do with my XL, but I’m on the latest now and it has been perfectly fine.

I typically use a range of simple presets to complex effect presets.

The only part I’m finding tricky live is not having bi-directional midi, so I don’t know which effects are bypassed when I’m switching things around whilst playing live. I tend to keep the III close by so I can keep an eye on the layout for this.
I’ve been using an Axe FX since 2009.
First the Ultra then the Axe FX II and the Axe FX XL.... I’ve been using the the Axe FX III since March... I’ve never had a single problem using them Live... hundreds of shows in all weather conditions.... for 9 plus Years....
Thats good to know, thanks Rain that really helps.
So far we have done a handful of shows with it and it has been solid and super consistent. We also run both guitars through it so setup is super simple and we don't have to carry a ton of stuff around. We are going to get a second as a backup and possible even for the bass player to run an Ampeg Svg model.

In fact if you look carefully in the background here during our last set. :)

Haven’t experienced any problems or failures after an initial, infant-mortality bug. Customer Support was excellent, and the defective unit was exchanged with a one week turnaround. (By the way, in 45 years have only experienced one tube failure.)

Sounds great. Absolutely seductive.

Always be prepared, with something that can substitute.

Live use
Not yet completely practical without a third-party foot controller.

[Edit: added “Quality”]
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i just saw Def Leppard play an all Axe-Fx III show last week. i'd say yes.

curious why there's a thought that live can be problematic compared to not live? anything specific you're wondering about?
Hi everyone, so basically I'll like to ask current Axe Fx 3 users if this unit is good and reliable for live shows? I'm thinking on purchasing one this units and i really like the idea of not carrying a lot of heavy amps and pedalboards and all of that to the gigs, love what i hear on youtube videos about it, but haven't been able to find anything about it in live situations, thanks guys.
ps. In fairness to “tube amps” (so that they don’t suddenly turn on me), I have three 1959 Fender tweeds, and a bunch of 1960’s amps (US, UK, and Canada).They have never failed. (Of course, they contain consumables, but a piece of cake to self-service). But as implied earlier, “oh my aching back”.
I’ll be the voice of reason. Everything can fail. I’ve been a fractal user since 2008, ultra, II and now III. My three white screened at my first gig with it. Since then I bring a backup. Most of these big touring bands have redundant everything.
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