Axe Edit and Standard on MacOs Monterey


New Member
I´m using an Axe fx Standard for "ages" with the first Axe Edit (1.0.191) on a Mac Pro 5.1 with MacOs Catalina (10.15). Now I had to change my computer (Software updates, that required a higher MacOs) and now use a Mac Pro 6.1 with MacOs Monterey (12.7). Now when trying to install Axe Edit (1.0.191) I receive the message "MacOs cannot verify that the software doesn´t include malware. There might be a problem with the software. Please contact producer". I did as being told. Fractal informed me, that my old Standard is a legacy product and is no longer supported. I tried a newer Axe edit, that wouldn´t connnect with my Standard.
Has anybody perhaps a "backdoor"-idea? I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance.
Another issue you are going to run into if you haven't yet is that once you upgrade your Mac it will only run 64 bit applications. It will not run the old Axe Edit at that point. I believe that Axe Edit is a 32 bit application. Unless you have a way to run it in a different compatibility mode you are kind of out of luck. I fortunately have a laptop that won't support Windows 11 so it has to stay on Windows 10, which will run 32 bit applications. If you have an older computer around you could use that. It can be a Windows machine.
I don't have an Std/Ultra nor a Mac but an option might be to use a VM (Virtualbox) to run an older version of MacOS for Axe Edit.
You can get the install images from Apple's website.
There's not a lot of manufacturers besides RME that will continue releasing legacy product driver/software updates for 13+ years.

Regarding this, I don't think that's true of Fractal. They released a new Axe FX II Edit for Mac just last year. Cliff has said he doesn't believe in planned obsolescence and will continue to provide support as long as is practical. Notably, for each EOL Fractal product, Cliff has clearly stated the only reason updates have come to an end is because of the hardware memory limits.

I think with the Std/Ultra, Axe Edit was only ever a beta application, and not a main draw point of the product. Hence Fractal is not as fussed about keeping it working with the latest OSes.
I know you are using a mac but this is for anyone else. I'm still using axe edit on windows. Currently on windows 11 and have never had an issue on any of the other window versions over the last 12+ years.

OP, hope you find a solution for this. Not ideal but maybe find some old windows laptop someone has just laying about?
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