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AX8 Price Point - At what price do you get upset?

No worries man, not worked up at all :) Doesn't sound like you understood it. Most of this has been answered in previous threads. The OP was about being upset over a particular price point. There's nothing to get upset over! They are different products, FX8 has no amp modeling and more effects capability than the AX8 will, targeting different needs I don't expect it to be less, just wouldn't surprise me! I would expect it to be in the same price bracket.

You keep saying the AX8 will have fewer effects than the FX8. Based on what? Everthing Ive seen points to the effects being exactly the same.
No worries man, not worked up at all :) Doesn't sound like you understood it. Most of this has been answered in previous threads. The OP was about being upset over a particular price point. There's nothing to get upset over! They are different products, FX8 has no amp modeling and more effects capability than the AX8 will, targeting different needs I don't expect it to be less, just wouldn't surprise me! I would expect it to be in the same price bracket.

You keep saying the AX8 will have fewer effects than the FX8. Based on what? Everthing Ive seen points to the effects being exactly the same.
I don't know why people think selling a stripped down version with add-on packs is a good thing. It makes it more work as you now have to manage the protection of the add-on packs so people can't share it around.

Cliff already said he won't do add on packs.
Why does everyone keep saying that the FX8 has more effects capability than the AX8? Just by the nature of having a grid, it actually has more capabilities. It has two CPUs vs one, so the amp/cab modeling has no impact on the effects. It's a weird assumption to believe it won't have all the blocks the FX8 has (minus the Relay block). It's still a foot controller so I don't see why it won't include the MIDI block for controlling other gear. It almost certainly will have more blocks than FX8: Amp, Cab, Mixer, FX Loop (rather than FX8's Pre/Post separation), Send/Return blocks for the grid. Maybe ToneMatch? Maybe the synth block? Maybe the multiband compressor? Maybe quad chorus? Probably no vocoder. Maybe all those "maybes" are what will differentiate the AX8 from the XL+. It probably will have similar block instance limitations similar to the FX8 (2 GEQs instead of 4, etc, and of course 1 amp, 1 cab).

These are just my guesses of course, IMHO, etc.
I get it but the price FAS was planning before Helix and the price they actually put on AX8 are likely not the same.

They may very well be waiting for initial reports on Helix. In fact if I was FAS I'd ship AX8 at $1495 with less amps and cabs. Later sell add ons to get the ASP and attachment rate up.

The fact that amp show is soon and no price has been announced would have me guessing that there may be a group of people less than happy with the pricing.

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He still has to make money on it. The only reason to change price after Helix is if you're going after the same customers. There is some overlap, but maybe not as much as we think. He already said he won't go the add on route.
Cliff has said that the FX section is the same on both units. I also think it is crazy for people to keep referencing the Helix and it's price point. The moment I heard the Helix price first thing I thought is this makes the Ax8 2k for sure. Line 6 has always sold a lower end product than FAS. They always shot for a different price point and have a different core group they appeal too. L6 feeling that they have a product that can bring in that much money per unit would Surely make Cliff think shot if these guys want that then I can do 2k easy since we are already known for a higher quality product at a higher price

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You keep saying the AX8 will have fewer effects than the FX8. Based on what? Everthing Ive seen points to the effects being exactly the same.

There's a thread in Ax Fx II discussion Cliff posted called "I'm just going to leave this here" should explain a lot ! Did for me anyway.
There's a thread in Ax Fx II discussion Cliff posted called "I'm just going to leave this here" should explain a lot ! Did for me anyway.

Nowhere in that thread have I seen that the effects in the AX8 will be different than the FX8. If Cliff says that somewhere in that thread, please provide a specific link. I dont think that thread explained this for you. Cliff said that the AX8 will have fewer effects than the AXE-II, but the same is true for the FX8.
Cliff has said that the FX section is the same on both units. I also think it is crazy for people to keep referencing the Helix and it's price point. The moment I heard the Helix price first thing I thought is this makes the Ax8 2k for sure. Line 6 has always sold a lower end product than FAS. They always shot for a different price point and have a different core group they appeal too. L6 feeling that they have a product that can bring in that much money per unit would Surely make Cliff think shot if these guys want that then I can do 2k easy since we are already known for a higher quality product at a higher price

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Where did he say the FX8 and AX8 will have the same effects? A quote with a link would be most helpful.
Nowhere in that thread have I seen that the effects in the AX8 will be different than the FX8. If Cliff says that somewhere in that thread, please provide a specific link. I dont think that thread explained this for you. Cliff said that the AX8 will have fewer effects than the AXE-II, but the same is true for the FX8.

Ha ha, Ok, all the best, you'll figure it out.
Ha ha, Ok, all the best, you'll figure it out.

Seriously? I think I have it figured out and you have no idea what you're talking about. Obviously other posters agree with me and one claims that Cliff said the AX8 and the FX8 have the same effects. Feel free to prove me wrong, but so far you haven't done anything of the sort.
Ha ha, Ok, all the best, you'll figure it out.

Seriously? I think I have it figured out and you have no idea what you're talking about. Obviously other posters agree with me and one claims that Cliff said the AX8 and the FX8 have the same effects. Feel free to prove me wrong, but so far you haven't done anything of the sort.
Seriously? I think I have it figured out and you have no idea what you're talking about. Obviously other posters agree with me and one claims that Cliff said the AX8 and the FX8 have the same effects. Feel free to prove me wrong, but so far you haven't done anything of the sort.

Wow! I have nothing to prove to anyone it really doesn't matter to me either way. Just sharing what I've read no need to throw jabs dude. Simply making an effort to help you find some answers! Where's all this offense coming from anyway? None intended for sure! Sorry I wasted time on this God Bless you man may you find resolve and peace!
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Said it before, I'll say it again-

Cost of the Axe II- $2500. Cost of the MFC- $750. So right there we're looking at $3250.

The AX8 is a stripped down version of BOTH the Axe II & the MFC. Aggressive pricing to me would be close to half, so my guess on the AX8 is $1699.
Thankfully, this is nowhere near as bad as the Helix thread on The Gear Page!!! lol

Excited to learn more about the AX8, regardless of price, and excited for FAS for releasing what should be a big seller.
The AX8 is a stripped down version of BOTH the Axe II & the MFC. Aggressive pricing to me would be close to half, so my guess on the AX8 is $1699.

Agreed with everything on your post except for the price. I am leaning towards an even $2K which is more than reasonable ($1999). It's worth $500 more than the Helix if we are still at a rudimentary comparison "debate", but it offers everything that the AFX II does with an integrated foot controller.... To the OP, $3K would be too much, $2K is right at the balance point of market share and a reasonable price for the value you obtain. I personally cannot wait for it...
I think a used AX8 is in my future... a new AX8 is probably the same price as my Mark 2 + FCB. No reason to take a step back in functionality in order to gain a small amount of convenience - heck the Mark 2 + FCB is already extremely convenient!
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