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AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

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I still can't tell if that means that are not going to do one last update. My gut says it doesn't look good, but I can still hope.

The thing is, the last post regarding "Working on Ares for the AX8, but..." was on september, last year. Since then, we've been posting open messages in this thread, hoping one day we'll see the eagerly awaited update, then the AX8 went into Legacy mode... So, I decided stopping posting openly in this thread and asked Cliff directly, that was his response.

Yes, there might be hope, but the will to do it he/they showed back in september, IJDK anymore, honestly.
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I still can't tell if that means that are not going to do one last update. My gut says it doesn't look good, but I can still hope.
I think it is clearly stated.
Last thing to do is: look for an FM3 used unit on the market, get one, open both AX8 and FM3 chassis, remove AX8 electronics, move FM3 electronics to the best chassis ever created for stage situation, unleash your DIY attitude. You'll get a bigger display too!
Question sent to FAS Support , and the "Unlikely" answer....I wonder why they don´t say something like..."we are working on it" ...or....will never happen...FM3 sales answer ?
Please tell me if AX8 Ares update will ever happen, there is a comment written by Cliff that says he was working on this, it would be very good to know if this would ever happen. If this plan was discarded just let me know.
Best regards

Hi Fernando,

I don't ultimately know, but I think that it is unlikely at this point.

Fractal Audio Support
So I got a new MacBook and AX8-Edit doesn't work on Catalina? Any work around known? This really messes up my workflow in the long term. I am going to get a FM3 down the road when they are more readily available, but we aren't there yet.
So I got a new MacBook and AX8-Edit doesn't work on Catalina? Any work around known? This really messes up my workflow in the long term. I am going to get a FM3 down the road when they are more readily available, but we aren't there yet.

Is it version 1.9.1? AFAIK it's already optimized for Catalina.
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