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Any love left for the HPR112i?


Something like 4 years ago, I was turned on to the Axe-FX standard and ultra by a bunch of friends who had been converted from tube amps. They were all playing through QSC HPR122i's and it was the first time I ever heard a modeler that really convincingly sounded like a tube amp.

So I followed their lead, bought the QSC's, and one thing led to another, and I never picked up an Axe-FX until I picked up the Axe-FX II just over a year ago. All that said and done, I'm a pretty happy camper with the Axe II, a Mackie Onyx mixer, and a pair of HPR122i's.

Yet I don't see them mentioned at all here, and clearly other FRFR monitors are more loved than the current QSC K12s. So have the HPR122i's been totally eclipsed by newer monitors? Are there people here who have them and are still happy with them? How do you find they stack up to newer products?
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