Ampeg SVT => 15" SR

This may or may not sound like a compliment but... it sounds very similar to Sonar's bass player plugin thing-om-a-giggy that let's you pop in midi notes and out comes a bass line... I liked your U2 bass line a lot better... maybe I didn't like it as much cuz Flea uses doesn't use a pick. hm... :?
mortega76 said:
This may or may not sound like a compliment but... it sounds very similar to Sonar's bass player plugin thing-om-a-giggy that let's you pop in midi notes and out comes a bass line... I liked your U2 bass line a lot better... maybe I didn't like it as much cuz Flea uses doesn't use a pick. hm... :?

Smack in the middle!

You're absolutely right. But there I am hitting my limits in terms of bass skills, I really have to train that right hand :?

An ATTEMPT on the same bass/tone, etc but played with my FINGERS: ... finger.mp3
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