Aggressive tones...watcha got


I've been messing around with some tighter and more aggressive tones (peavey 6505ish/Mako)

What do you guys line up for your hard hitting, really raunchy in your face hi-gain?

Clips welcome
Anything by PigWeed rocks!!! It's as if the Lord himself came down and edited the guitarist's patches... He's uber-sexy too!!! ;) :D

P.S. Please forgive me Lord for using your name in vain...
Plankis said:
Here is a quick clip with the Recto + Catharsis impulses (the best i've found for the br00tz):
You didn't master this one didn't you? How did you do that subdrop then? Sidechain?

This isn't mastered yet really, just a bus comp and a bit of limiting. I will be mastering it though. The sub drop isn't side chained or anything, I just find the right level where it sounds big but doesn't pump the bus comp too much.
Ah, I see. I always thought that the pumping came from the masterbus. I just got a bit confused whether or not you had any compressors on the master with that low level clip.
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