A cool little progression I've been bouncing around my head for a couple days


Power User
Ive had this C major to E major movement stuck in my head for a little bit now and I really wanted to emphasize the feelings I think of when I hear it and the result is this cool little swing that practically wrote itself once I got started. Another fun fact is all the guitars and bass on this one used the same Mesa Lonestar patch Ive got laying around, I plugged in my bass expecting to bring up my usual patch but it just sounded so good through this I rolled with it (even if I had to bring up some low end in my DAW the growl I was getting was sooo nice haha).

EDIT: Post number 1000!!!
Dig that warble in the beginning and end. How'd you make it freak out? Lone star is a solid all around amp. I use it for all types of styles.
Dig that warble in the beginning and end. How'd you make it freak out? Lone star is a solid all around amp. I use it for all types of styles.

It's one of the factory presets in bank b or c called warped vinyl, the part at the end I did in my daw with an audio distorter (I rendered it side by side with the unaffected audio and faded one out and the other in)

Santeria! :D

Just blew my mind :eek:
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