7CM for stereo?

Thanks. I got it all connected. I checked it using the humbuster cables and I checked it with regular TS cables. Works great both ways. Now that I've got that figured out and all the cables labeled on both ends, I'll be working on a pedalboard build plan. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to this type of thing so I need things very clean and organized.
How are you guys lifting the ground to prevent ground-loop hum with a stereo rig using 2 independent amps?
Interestingly, I have no noticeable ground loop hum using the two amps. Again, I didn't have hum when using humbuster cables OR regular TS cables. I'm only using the guitar to FX8 and FX8 connected to both amps via 7CM.
My approach to hum is this (MHO). I place a global volume on inputs of pre & post EV1 to kill everything when not playing. If my preset is high gain I will place a gate in the loop 1st in the chain depending on volume. I always had some hum on ch 2 & 3 its a real amp and they do have some hum if you run the gain up (We'll call that amp personality). Most of my clean- dirt are fairly quite. I have been on a blues kick of late and staying simple. Channel #1 with Timmy or Rat modifier on the mix EV2 goes from clean to dirt into Comp. Think Crows/Blackberry Smoke/ABB/Gary Moore. I only use the stereo for my pleasure. When playing with others mono. Right way or wrong way I do not know it works for me.
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