500hz question

I like adding a little 400 - 500hz on a lead patch, but only if I use a high pass filter around 200hz with it first. It makes solos sound warmer and a little smoother. In almost any other case, 500hz has gots to go.
Caught this thread yesterday and for the heck of it tried lowering 500hz on global output 2 into my carvin power amp. Made a great difference. I lowered the 500hz and raised the 63 a bit to add some good thump and I had my 1x12 sounding pretty good. I'll have to mess more with this tonight for my direct tone as we use ears anyways.

Glad to see this is a popular cut! It works nicely!
I boost my upper mids. for me it brings clarity . you have to really look for the sweet spot. you can't just crank them and all the sudden it sounds great. if i boost its in my GEQ never on the amp bc then it sounds like stool. I also raise them in the drive block. its really a trial and error. I also notice that there is a relationship between all frequencies of mids. you can't just boost 1000hz or it will sound like stool. at least thats what i noticed in all my years of finding tone. some amps don't require this though. I realized this on the usa lead and rhythm . if you raise their mids it sounds horrible.

I certainly noticed this also when I started using the USA Lead IV and IIc+. Most other amps I boost around 1,400hz in front of the amp, but the USA Lead models really don't need it, they've got that present attack in spades.
I don't do it on guitars at all. Especially if they were recorded with the Axe FX II. Just grab a great preset and you'll be fine. No eq added.
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