4CM Question



I'm trying to set up my Axe FX II using the 4CM in conjunction with a Hughes & Kettner Statesman Head (a 50W amp with a switchable parallel/serial effects loop) and a Hughes & Kettner 4x12 cab.

Using the 4CM anything that I place before the FX Loop block in the signal chain I can hear through the 4X12 cab, no problem.

However when I place an effect such as chorus or reverb after the FX Loop block I cannot hear the effect when it is engaged.

I'm doing something wrong - clearly - but I cannot fathom it.

Would anyone have any idea why I cannot hear an effect post-FX Loop block but I can hear the effect if it is pre-FX loop block?

Thanks in anticipation.
Make sure the effects loop on your Hughes is set to serial. Could be the way you have the effects setup after the FXloop. Maybe something with your I/O settings.
Thanks. I've had a play about with those options.

I think though that I was doing everything correctly but I had not turned up the Output Level 1 knob on the front of the Axe FX II nearly enough. I can now hear the effects post FX block.

Happy days!
First thing to check would be cabling. But also is the effects loop of the amp activated ?

Edit, I see you sorted it out while I was posting a reply.
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