2 Guitar Options: NGD!

The Jazz neck can sound a little thick/bottom heavy, I have one in my Jackson Rhoads. I just used it with naturally thinner sounding amps like AC's and such. The only time I would want to use it with higher gain is playing leads up above the 10th fret or so. Then it really gives a nice round and creamy lead tone. Chord work with any kind of breakup can get woofy pretty fast.
The Jazz neck can sound a little thick/bottom heavy, I have one in my Jackson Rhoads. I just used it with naturally thinner sounding amps like AC's and such. The only time I would want to use it with higher gain is playing leads up above the 10th fret or so. Then it really gives a nice round and creamy lead tone. Chord work with any kind of breakup can get woofy pretty fast.
Yeah, a tad "woofy" if you've got your tone backed off and your volume up. My hope is to use the Premier Mini with EOB amps, perhaps with EL84-based amps for clarity. Perhaps even with some "D"-style amps with appropriate cabs.
Happy NGD!
Great choice!
Thx. My guitar luthier buddy will soon replace the PPS plastic nut with a GraphTech TUSQ or bone nut. Does anyone have a preference for either, and if so, why?
@bleujazz3 Tusq has the advantage that it is very uniform and consistent (which is why many manufacturers prefer it), but there are still some who say that a quality bone nut provides superior tone. I have guitars with both and can't say that there's a big difference.

My local luthier prefers bone and I like the look of natural materials, so that is what I have opted for on guitars where I have had the nut replaced.
@bleujazz3 Tusq has the advantage that it is very uniform and consistent (which is why many manufacturers prefer it), but there are still some who say that a quality bone nut provides superior tone. I have guitars with both and can't say that there's a big difference.

My local luthier prefers bone and I like the look of natural materials, so that is what I have opted for on guitars where I have had the nut replaced.
Thanks for your response. I've got both a Gibson & Epiphone bone nut of the correct size waiting until the TUSQ nut arrives. If your recommendation is the bone nut, then that's what will be implemented.
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