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1 expression multi effects


Question #1: I have over 40 presets for a cover band. I want to knock this down to 1 or 2 'sounds' that will cover the set. However, I only have one expression pedal and I use it on a way as well as delay controls.

Is there a way for the wah and delay controls to be used at the same time. Currently..I'm setting the bypass on the wah to a switch in order to disengage it when I don't want to use it. However, I don't want to disengage my delay or cause swells when I want to use my wah.

Question #2: I want to save CPU and use XY for the delay. X delay would be a simple delay when expression controlling the mix. Y delay would be used for larger ambient delays with long trails and higher mix. Is this possible in one delay block?

  1. Put the 'Delay' block in a parallel path with a 100% mix and set the 'typical' delay level with the 'Input Gain' parameter
  2. Put a 'Vol/Pan' (or 'Filter') block after it and return it's output to the main path. Bypass set to thru
  3. Attach the same 'Wah' expression pedal to the 'Level' parameter in the 'Vol/Pan' (or 'Filter') block. The 'Level' parameter will allow for '+' dB settings if needed
  4. Set the min and max settings as needed for the delay levels in the modifier edit window.
  5. Attach the same 'Wah' on-off controller to the 'Vol/Pan' (or 'Filter') block bypass, but invert the on and off settings so that it is on when the 'Wah' is off.
  6. Now use the 'Vol/Pan' (or 'Filter') block to control the delay levels when the 'Wah' is off. When the 'Wah' is switched on, the 'Vol/Pan' (or 'filter') block is bypassed, leaving the delay level fixed at the 'typical' delay level set with the 'Input Gain' parameter from step #1
As for the second question....X and Y states share any an all controller assignments. But this might not be an issue if the Y state is also set to a 'Typical' level as in step #1 for when the 'Wah' is engaged (and the 'Vol/Pan' (or 'Filter') block is bypassed)???

I think that it would be easier to do that to explain.......:confused:
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