metal presets

  1. My name is mud

    Presets NKP Presets Master thread (Infos - Links - Demos...)

    Well! I do presets for Axe FX3 since 3 Years, everything started because of my Youtube channel, where I do a lot of covers. As I start using the axe fx 3, people asked me for my presets more and more and ... Well, I decided to do one pack, two packs ... and now I have more than 150 presets...
  2. Delinquished

    Generally Unsatisfied With Tones - Advice?

    Hey guys, hope your all well! I know there are multiple posts which speak about very generic djenty boy tones, and yes i am unfortunately one of them. i know theres alot of people asking how to create them etc, But this post is more about just a general discussion on peoples advice and tips on...
  3. J’sGear

    Anyone willing to share your killer Metal/Post-Hardcore/Metalcore tones/presets?

    Does anyone have any good Metal/Post-Hardcore/Metalcore tones, presets they are willing to share? Just brought my Fractal Axe Fx II back to factory presets. Looking to see if anyone is willing to share their hard work, many hours spent tweaking and perfecting, hard earned tones with me? Im into...
  4. SinMix

    Legacy Presets SinMix Fractal FXII/AX8 Producer Pack 50% OFF

    Hi Guys, IMO FXII/AX8 is still amazing and sounds enough close to real amps just like New Fractal Products! Here my Comparison! And now Producer Pack for FXII/AX8 with 50% OFF Link to Store: 14 Cabinets IR Packs [5...
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