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  1. F

    Softstep to control modifiers etc?

    If you decide to use a SoftStep with an Expander, make absolutely sure you mount it on a board in a way that it's impossible to step on the USB cable near the Expander port and that there's no stress on the USB cable. The mini USB port is surface mounted and it doesn't take much to snap it off...
  2. F

    Baked Potato gig in LA area!

    Got a kick out of watching Abe dance while you solo! Wish I could be there. I'm sure you guys will make a joyful noise.
  3. F

    What's your Blues name?

    I already have a blues name that was given me many a year ago but I'm not allowed to use it anymore:
  4. F

    Man your guitar sound rocks, but.......

    I think Guthrie Govan would write me off as a helpless case, LOL. Actually, I think he'd be pretty cool. I like how he says in one of his videos "The first thing about playing like this is that you have to LIKE playing like this. Don't do it because someone on the Internet said you're...
  5. F

    Man your guitar sound rocks, but.......

    I wasn't saying that at all. I was talking about people who can't handle constructive criticism trying to perform in an ensemble. I'd never discourage anyone from doing what they love. However, I would advise them to learn to be objective and open to criticism if they plan to do it in a group.
  6. F

    Man your guitar sound rocks, but.......

    Yeah, it's a strange environment. There are many people involved that probably have no business doing it. I've seen people cry after receiving what I consider to be reasonably civil feedback. Good grief!!! I've long been afraid that playing in church would ruin me musically. I often pray...
  7. F

    Whats your age again...?

    Yeah, I play in worship bands with kids young enough to be my children and adults old enough to be my parents. It's all good. A friend of mine went on tour with a band of younger kids. When he was asked in an interview what it was like to be the "old guy" in the band he responded, "Well...
  8. F

    Who's the best guitar player of all time to you and why?

    This guy isn't the best technical player but he lit a fire under a lot of future players: Chuck Berry
  9. F

    Father just died - Thanksgiving day

    My condolences on the loss of your father. John Donne. Meditation 17. [No man is an island... For whom the bell tolls, etc.]
  10. F

    I can't stand it anymore!!!

    I buy most of my kids' Christmas presents online. When the boxes start showing up on our doorstep my wife uses the excuse "Oh, Daddy must have ordered some new music gear!". I find this an excellent time to squeeze in a real gear purchase. A II is probably out of the question for this...
  11. F

    Which one amp model can I use for clean, crunch and high gain?

    The Buttery model is pretty diverse though I've never used it in the manner you're suggesting. I tried it once and didn't care for the results. I don't think I could get the transition smooth enough so I just use multiple presets of the same amp with different levels of gain. I prefer that to...
  12. F

    Those of us with Standards, it's okay.

    I can vouch for that. I wasted many years buying and flipping pedals, amps, and guitars in search of the holy grail of tone. I finally figured out that I can make my stuff sound better by simply practicing more and becoming a better musician.
  13. F

    Those of us with Standards, it's okay.

    I've had mine for three years now and I'm still learning things about it. I want a II but don't see myself selling the Standard to get it. More than likely, my last remaining tube amp and what's left of my pedals will go and the Standard will become my second/backup rig.
  14. F

    Ty Tabor talking about his switch to the Axe-FX....

    The magic of Ty has never really been a secret. It's in his spirit and the way he approaches the instrument. Capture that and you're about 99% there.
  15. F

    this footswitch is amazing!!!

    I loaded the latest firmware and messed around with standalone mode a few hours last week hoping to be able to get it ready to gig with this past weekend. I was encouraged by the fact that it actually did function in standalone mode. However, it's still not there yet. Their program change...
  16. F

    Don't know what you've got...

    I have been looking at the GT-10. I've owned the GT-8 twice, though, and figured that if giving it two chances didn't work before, a third probably isn't going to work for me either. I gigged with a Digitech GNX3000 for a while and got good results but found the Digitech interface tough to...
  17. F

    Don't know what you've got...

    ...until you try to replace it or in my case, find a backup for it. I've been happily gigging my Standard for almost a year now without a backup. As solid as the Axe is, it's just not in my nature to not have a backup. I'm usually all about reducing, if not eliminating, the number of single...
  18. F

    Fractal Audio welcomes Steve Vai!

    Little Green Men everywhere, rejoice!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  19. F

    m13 as floor controller?

    I tried using it for control changes (IAs) when I had one. It didn't really work well in that mode, at least if you expect the LEDs to indicate which CCs are active. For example, if you have activated FX1 switch A and then activate FX1 switch B, the LED for switch A goes off even though it's...
  20. F

    First Gig with my 2-day old Ultra ( A cliched rant/rave)

    I had my Axe for over a year before I ever took it out of the house but even then I didn't have any gig-worthy patches ready. I just never seemed to have time to tweak it and I spent what time I did have trying to figure out if I wanted to go FRFR or power amp/cab. Neither of the setups I had...
  21. F

    Another "AXE" Sighting

    ..and don't forget the hair.
  22. F

    Fractal Audio Welcomes Lincoln Brewster, Devin Townsend...

    The advertising has really helped. It says a lot when I show up for a gig with an Axe and other musicians not only know what it is but are gassing for one themselves. 8-)
  23. F

    First Gig with 9.0 - It's ALIVE

    I've been using the Buttery model for all my live tones. Works pretty good.
  24. F

    Thoughts on a bank of basic presets

    There's a lot of helpful information in the release notes. Here's an example: Added Power Amp Bias control (PWR TUBE BIAS in Advanced menu). This parameter can be used to fine-tune the virtual power tubes’ bias points. A value of zero corresponds to full Class B operation. A value of one...
  25. F

    Thoughts on a bank of basic presets

    What is a "basic" tone?
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