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  1. zerolight

    PLEXI 50W 6CA7 Sooooo good!

    I've tried this a few times, and enjoy it, but my dirt amp for several years is still the Plexi 50w High 2. There's something about that one that is full, thick, fat, and satisfying.
  2. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    I think so, but I'll install them again just in case!
  3. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    Hi Rex - no, I am on Win 11.
  4. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    I don't have any tools or keyboard triggers that could cause this and I use the same keyboard and mouse with both my PC and Mac through a KVM. The fact that I have discovered the problem only occurs under Windows, I think I'm just going to use the Mac with FM3-Edit and leave the PC for gaming...
  5. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    Damn - it has started doing it again. Last time the repair centre couldn't replicate it, and it just stopped doing it. It has started again, only whilst editing a preset, it will just start cycling through presets on its own and will only stop if I quit FM3-edit. Then I re-open FM3-edit...
  6. zerolight

    FM3 as Audio Interface for Tonex/Amplitube

    Are you feeding the Tonex into the FM3 then into your computer, or are you going to the computer, then back to the FM3 (which will add latency)? I'd think the best way to do it would be to insert the Tonex into the FX loop of the FM3 and use it instead of the amp block with the FM3 FX around it...
  7. zerolight

    FM3 Repair

    My USB port died a couple of months ago. G66 use a repair shop in the UK, Glasgow, which is 30 mins from me. This is the second time I have visited him (last time was for an encoder issue). On both occasions the repair was covered under warranty, and was carried out same day - drop off and...
  8. zerolight

    Van Halen 1 Cygnus?

    OK - I missed this. Just put this into CabLab and wowsers, that adds some snarl and sizzle. I love it.
  9. zerolight

    Van Halen 1 Cygnus?

    This is brilliant. Thanks. This plus @Burgs Phaser setting and the YA M25 cab is just so much fun. I discovered this days after finally getting an EVH Wolfgang USA Stealth and have had a total blast. I did tweak the Sunplate a little bit as it sounded a bit boomy on anything but Ultra quality- I...
  10. zerolight

    Too much to ask?

    Yep. Per preset is the way. You can even setup your FM3 to power on in per preset layout. I did that for a while.
  11. zerolight

    Keyboard with low EMI?

    I haven't noticed an issue when using the Logitech mx keys with my Mac. The backlight on that keyboard turns off after a few seconds of no use which might help. Using my PC though, it's the monster graphics card that generates noise (but only with single coils), but I tend to use the Mac with...
  12. zerolight

    Headphone Amp - Headphone recommendations for FM3 (No Headphone Jack)

    I connect to a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 (I'm sure there are even cheaper versions) and plug my headphones in to that. I use DT880pro 250ohm which sound pretty good with the FM3.
  13. zerolight

    Question re current plugins vs Fm3 Axe technology

    I downloaded NDSP Nolly demo. I thought it was OK, but it's a long way from Fractal in tone. I also struggled with latency.
  14. zerolight

    Comparison between Friedman Dirty Shirley and Fractal FM3 Dirty Shirley modeling

    Very nice. I liked the real amp best. Very Andy Timmons sounding.
  15. zerolight

    Ext dual footswitch for preset inc/dec only works one way for both switches

    Maybe this helps,,,
  16. zerolight

    Favorite factory presets for SSS strat (overdriven)

    There’s a nice Deluxe Reverb preset. I made a few scenes to toggle different ODs in front of it - KOT, TS, and Fulldrive (which I think was in the preset).
  17. zerolight

    Solved: FM3 sounded muffled until I positioned my studio monitors appropriately

    If you always run your monitors cranked then sooner or later you’ll put a hot signal in there and blow the speakers. Why not run your monitors half way and then turn the volume up a bit on your FM3 instead. Not a fix for whatever makes it muffled, but protection for your monitors at least. You...
  18. zerolight

    FM3 + EMGS - Help

    Schoolboy error - connected the battery wires back to front! Oops
  19. zerolight

    FM3 + EMGS - Help

    Don't have an amp. I am thinking it must be the wiring. Have reached out to EMG. It's a pre-wired, solder less pick guard. Should be plug and play.
  20. zerolight

    FM3 + EMGS - Help

    I've just installed the EMG SL20 Lukather set in my Strat. I plug into the FM3 and there's a slow ramp up in sound but it still sounds weak. If I turn the volume now it makes a weird noise, beeps and thumps and instantly goes to zero. Wind it back up, same thing, then a slow whoosh in sound...
  21. zerolight

    Thinking to buy FM3 but..

    On the other hand. His wife will be tired. There'll be feeding thru the night, sleeping in, afternoon naps. A modeler and headphones us definitely handy. Even now, I know for sure that my teenage kids and my wife are much happier when I use headphones when I butcher 80s hair rock.
  22. zerolight

    Thinking to buy FM3 but..

    1. Same use case as me. Totally fine. 2. Not an issue 3. Who knows. Seems likely to be around a while. 4. Never experienced 5. For editing it's very usable 6. Dunno 7. I prefer it through headphones to monitors 8. Not sure. But see 1 above I really disliked the Helix. Looks great. Nice...
  23. zerolight

    Considering trying Fractal again - FM9

    Yeah. Don't disagree. There's just not much you can do to your amp but come back the next day with fresh ears or accept it and play. With modelers, rightly or wrongly, I tweak more. Just because I can, I guess. I suspect part of it is simply that an amp in the room is almost instantly...
  24. zerolight

    Considering trying Fractal again - FM9

    I think the fact that you can tweak so much means there's always a temptation to try to make it sound better. Maybe that new IR will get there. I find there's always a temptation to tweak. Sometimes our ears just aren't feeling it - with a real amp you just come back later, the the Axe the...
  25. zerolight

    As/Is: A tribute to John Mayer

    Thanks. Just discovered this thread, will try tonight.
  26. zerolight

    June 15, 2022. The day the Kemper Profiler patent expires.

    Yeah. I agree. I'm sure many of the Kemper haters have never played one. I had the Toaster for a year between my Axe2 and FM3 (due to FM3 delays and pre-selling my Axe2). I loved the Kemper, particularly Top Jimi profiles. It sounded very amp like, felt very amp like, and was probably the...
  27. zerolight

    I love my AX8 Dumble... why can't I get the FM3 to duplicate???

    I’ve become really fond of the Deluxe Reverb model with a York Audio Verb Deluxe IR. A TS808 or Full OD in front of it is great. I use a modified version of the stock deluxe reverb patch (somewhere in the first 50 presets from factory), with the swapped in IR. Baseman is nice too.
  28. zerolight

    Second Guessing Fm9 Order

    I toyed with the idea of the FM9, put my name down on the G66 list, but actually, I miss the desktop format of my Axe II XL. So if I were to upgrade from my FM3, it'd be to the Axe III with an FC6 or 12. Costs a bit more but brings back the desktop unit, still with a foot pedal, and the joy of...
  29. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    Thanks. I’ve emailed G66 to see what they think.
  30. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    I do have one external pedal set as a stand in switch, but it only increments on a press and hold. I’ll try disconnecting that tomorrow and see whether it still does it. Odd that when it happens I’m nowhere near the switches and usually editing.
  31. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    I’ll not have touched the front face of the FM3 for hours and all will be fine, then suddenly the presets start changing by themselves. Disconnecting USB once it has started doesn’t stop it. Found another thread where the encoder seemed to be the culprit. One owner had to get his unit replaced...
  32. zerolight

    FM3 cycling through presets itself

    edit: my problem has returned. In 2021 it was this: I've run into a problem over the past week where I can be in the middle of editing a preset using FM3 edit, when suddenly my FM3 starts rapidly cycling through all its presets - losing the edits I am making obviously - and eventually stopping...
  33. zerolight

    Awesome through headphones - unbearable through studio monitors - need guidance/help!

    I think what you will find though is that listening back on studio monitors sounds great. Playing through them doesn’t. That’s a problem I can’t get past. It’s the hearing the guitar acoustically over the monitor. For me it’s not that I’m tuning my tone to sound better through cans, because I...
  34. zerolight

    Favourite Amp models

    What’s everyone using now. Try as I might, I can’t get away from the 50w Plexi High and 100w Plexi High. I’ve been dabbling with the Jumped variants too. They only thing changed in the past year is the IR - now the York Marshall GB25 IR. I keep trying to branch out - but I just don’t dig many...
  35. zerolight

    Soon to be new Fractal user and can't decide between FM3 or FM9

    If I didn’t already have an FM3 I’d absolutely get the FM9 instead. Better to have the power than not, if you have the budget. I use only comp, phase, drive, amp, cab, delay, reverb in a preset. Straight ahead rock/blues. Never hit preset limit. It’d be nice to have more switches, and makes more...
  36. zerolight

    Awesome through headphones - unbearable through studio monitors - need guidance/help!

    For me it is less about the tone and more about the overtones when hearing the guitar and the monitors together. It does something that's a little phasey, a little reverby, that just sounds off. I guess it also adds a bit of clean - like if you mixed direct guitar and dirty amped guitar together...
  37. zerolight

    Awesome through headphones - unbearable through studio monitors - need guidance/help!

    Yeah. Record something and play it back through monitors and I bet the OP will like what he hears. It's the playing through monitors that can be a challenge. I imagine over time the brain gets used to it. When I do it, I do it mono, which works better for me.
  38. zerolight

    Awesome through headphones - unbearable through studio monitors - need guidance/help!

    I have been through this too, and never quite got a complete solution. My theory is that with headphones, even my semi open Beyer DT880 pros, most of the natural acoustic sound of the guitar is drowned out by the headphones, but with the Studio monitors, played at normal listening levels, you...
  39. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    Agreed. Had I paid attention I'd have bought something different. Optimum is 25cm from walls. Mine at about 18cm from the back and much more than that from the side. It's not the end of the world. If bass gets too much I'll flip a switch on the back. It's not just my room so I can't go to town...
  40. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    Yeah. Nothing I can do about it. But I'm not doing pro mixing. 😀 Not really having a boom issue though.
  41. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    My LG Ultrawide not my Studio Monitors. :D So couple of observations. I think my monitors are still too low. Maybe another 6 inches would improve things a bit - I tried them on top of a pile of books to see. I've also tried putting a 12000Hz high cut on the cab which helps (I guess my monitors...
  42. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    I stuck a couple of pillows in front of my monitor, which might have helped a wee bit. I'll have more time this afternoon.
  43. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    I can’t get them that far apart. They are about 3 and a half feet apart and I sit about that far away from them. The tweeters are at ear height. They are angled towards me. There is no issue on playback. Only whilst I play. It’s not a latency issue either. The room is a little echoey. Not...
  44. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    Playback is fine. It’s the interplay between the strings and the monitors “live” that’s the issue. A recording won’t show any issue.
  45. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    @chris yeah - often read on forums or hear on YouTube how much people hate playing through headphones and I'm always baffled. I even use open back headphones with the volume loud enough to drown out strings and it's fine, but it's also fine when I can here the strings. There's none of the weird...
  46. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    I've never had this issue with an amp. I guess an amp in the room sound is strong enough and present enough that even at lower volumes the sound of the strings just doesn't impact the sound of the amp. But my point was that if I can only use Studio Monitors at such a volume where they only...
  47. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    Hi Chris It's not amp in the room loud. But it's loud enough to be louder than I'd normally listen to music, loud enough to annoy my wife, loud enough for Fletcher M to poke his nose in. Quieter than that and I can hear my strings. (It's a strat, so kinda loud. I'll be able to dig my PRS out in...
  48. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    Yeah, thanks Matt. It sounds OK played back but not whilst playing. Driving me nuts. Feel like I wasted money on monitors. Maybe I can train myself not to hear the guitar strings.
  49. zerolight

    Help Playing through Studio Monitors

    So for years I've used my Fractal devices through headphones - mostly DT880 Pros. Recently I decided to buy a pair of monitors - Adam T5v's. Now they sound great when I play play my music library through them. They sound OK when I listen to a recorded track through them - maybe some tweaks to...
  50. zerolight

    FM3 Firmware Version 4.00 beta 5

    OK. So I figured out my layout restore. It wasn't clear to me that a layer backup didn't also backup the startup layer, nor the stand-in switch settings and general foot switch settings. So restoring layers brought back the layers but not the expected functionality. I reset my FW and Stand-In...
  51. zerolight

    FM3 Firmware Version 4.00 beta 5

    I did that. Then reset system parameters. Them imported again. Everything remained reset. The only way they come back is of I restore a fractalbot backup.
  52. zerolight

    FM3 Firmware Version 4.00 beta 5

    Can someone explain how to backup my foot controller layouts (for FM3 and 4 button FS) please? I have a backup via Fractalbot but that also includes all the global settings that we are meant to reset with this firmware. If I export layouts from FM3 Edit instead and re-import those, it doesn't...
  53. zerolight

    Have you found “your” amp in the FM3?

    I use the Plexi 50 High 2 mostly. With the Ownhammer GNR cab.
  54. zerolight

    FM3 Firmware Version 4.00 beta 3

    I've just noticed that mine is now making that weird click chirpy noise.
  55. zerolight

    High Output Pickups and AMP Block Headroom Meter

    JRod the 57/08 isn’t really a high output pickup, it’s more classic PAF territory. My Santana has 58/15 bridge which have a similar output, but a slightly different voice, and I get nice edge of breakup tones without any issue. The Santana neck is similar ball park too Try preset 22 - Super...
  56. zerolight

    FM3 Mkll?

    My presets are never large so I have no issues with my FM3. That said, there were some very amp like profiles I had on my Kemper that I miss, like the Lee Jackson Marshall from TopJimi. I had a Kemper to tide me over for a year after selling my Axe2 just before the FM3 was delayed a while. I...
  57. zerolight

    FM3 VS Quad Cortex

    The QC seems to be a Kemper like product with profiles. When I had my Kemper I only found a couple of profiles I really liked, didn't get on with the rest. I imagine the QC will be similar and I wonder if it'll end up being a Commercial Profiles device like the Kemper before it, which can get...
  58. zerolight

    Presets for new firmware

    you use Fractal Bot to send all the banks at once to your FM3. you don't need to do them one at a time.
  59. zerolight

    Help a newb program a Dual Switch

    First you need to go to Setup, IO, Pedal. Then you setup the switches based on their polarity. It sounds like you already have this as you have them controlling FX. Next go to settings, FC/Onboard switches, and page along to stand in switches. Here you basically point the switches to an...
  60. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    I took a year away from Fractal when the original delays kicked off last year. Went Kemper. Enjoyed it for what it was but ultimately found that most profiles didn’t really do it for me. A lot of users like overly bright and fizzy high gain tones. I enjoyed some Top Jimi profiles, particularly...
  61. zerolight

    Headphones and Atomic CLR MkII Neo

    It's not about volume. It's about frequency and control. There are some low-fish impedance headphones (Mr Speakes / Dan Clarke) for example that you'd think would be easy to drive, but they don't really start to show their stuff without a big amp. The impedance of a speaker varies over the...
  62. zerolight

    [EDITED] AWESOME Van Halen on your FM3!!

    Yeah, that preset is a kitchen sink preset with several amps across two amp blocks, several delays, several reverbs, a bunch of stomps. It's almost every EVH tone. It also has some modifiers applied that the FM3 doesn't like. As you say, it is so much it crashes the FM3. Most of that stuff isn't...
  63. zerolight

    Headphones and Atomic CLR MkII Neo

    HD6xx is really nice but it’s hard to drive. Most interfaces struggle as does the FM3. It prefers a high power dedicated headphone amp. I tried a Schiit Asgard 2 amp which worked well until I turned on the computer and it picked up and amplified amp noise. In the end I sold the HD6xx a couple...
  64. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    This is why I went for non hp version. The wait list is long, even the US list isn’t clear yet. It’s going to take a good while to get through the EU wait list. I’m sure some will still be waiting by Xmas. I had enough waiting and decided the non hp was a convenient way to skip the queue.
  65. zerolight

    IRs Introducing the OwnHammer (r)Evolution Impulse Response Series!

    It was, sort of. It was the cab that one of the guitarists used on the Chinese Democracy album. I think he added the Greatly Neutral Response thing afterwards to avoid being sued or something. “This exact cabinet and speaker combination (as well as the other companion speakers used in this...
  66. zerolight

    Output 2 to Reaper DAW?

    You can’t have guitar from the FM3 plus audio from USB both through out2 at the same time, it’s one or the other. You can only do this with out1.
  67. zerolight

    IRs Introducing the OwnHammer (r)Evolution Impulse Response Series!

    Yes. Price is a bargain too.
  68. zerolight

    FM3 sounding better through headphones than monitors

    I ran my Axe Ultra through Monitors and preferred the sound that way. However the Axe 2, Kemper, and FM3 I prefer through headphones. Historically the DT 880 pro 250ohm have worked best, but I also enjoyed the Axe2 through Grado RS1i headphones too. I suspect it's just a case of ears adapting -...
  69. zerolight

    question for non-hp version owners

    There's more to it than that. The output impedance from a device feeding headphones should be an order of magnitude lower than the headphones impedance. The output from Output 2 is 600ohms, which is an order of magnitude larger than your headphones. That results in a lot of tone suck. Of course...
  70. zerolight

    Headphones and Atomic CLR MkII Neo

    880s are great, the 250ohm sound best, but the Beyers are easier to drive than most 250ohm headphones. I don't have a CLR, have my 880s plugged into a Focusrite 8i6 Gen 3 and get a good volume with the knob up half way.
  71. zerolight

    IRs Introducing the OwnHammer (r)Evolution Impulse Response Series!

    Just picked up the M75-GNR pack for my new FM3. Awesome. So many different flavours of great just in the mixes folder alone.
  72. zerolight

    Favorite Multi-effect Pedal to Pair up with your FM3

    Unless you are going wild with reverb, there doesn't seem to be an issue. I can run Amp, Cab, Overdrive, Phaser, Flanger, two delays, and a spring reverb with CPU to spare. Switching to high quality reverbs has an impact - if I really need that I'd get a Poly Digit I reckon. All the other FX fit...
  73. zerolight

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    Here’s mine. No board yet, but I just use it at home so there may never be. :)
  74. zerolight

    Closed Word Clock

    OK. Well now I feel stupid. :anguished:
  75. zerolight

    Closed Word Clock

    Can we have an option to set word clock to spdif as per Axe2/3 please? I’d like to use my interface as master.
  76. zerolight

    SPDIF Level Help

    It is apparently good practice to record at -7db with SPDIF so I’m just ignoring this now. I don’t have an Axe3. When I had a 2 I used it as an interface rather than spdif to a different interface so can’t compare.
  77. zerolight

    FM3 as home studio centerpiece?

    If you need high quality mode reverb in addition to kitchen sink effects in one preset you could add a reverb pedal into the FX loop. Leon got some great sounds from the Poly Digit which is midi switchable, or you could go cheaper with a TC HOF or a Neunaber. Or use delay instead.
  78. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    The mixer has a headphone out. That will work fine. Some folk are connecting headphones directly to out2 using a y cable.
  79. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    Your tone will suck if you connect to Out 2 using a y cable. It's a 600ohm output impedance. You want it to much lower than your headphones, typically it's under 35ohm, usually under 10 ohm. An interface, or the cheap headphone amps will solve that issue though. Just be sure to connect via...
  80. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    Enjoy! I've not had much time with mine yet as super busy at work. I strongly suspect that the wait list is long and our names came up quickly only because most people passed for the HP version. I think there will be a long wait for the HP version, there's just so many more people queuing for...
  81. zerolight

    SPDIF Level Help

    So I've done some more experiments: - You can use the Output 2 EQ to apply gain to get the SPDIF level up, however what I find when I do that is that whilst the input level is fine on my Focusrite, the higher input level seems to clip the outputs on the Focusrite. At least I get little red...
  82. zerolight

    SPDIF Level Help

    When I said USB audio, I meant all within my Scarlett. The Scarlett USB audio level is as you'd expect, the SPDIF and Output 2 from the FM3 are around -7db.
  83. zerolight

    SPDIF Level Help

    Switching between -10 and +4 has no affect on the SPDIF level. I notice that using Output 2 is the same, with the output cranked, the level is low. I assume (but I have no way to try) that the XLR outputs at +4db probably make a difference. But I want to use SPDIF.
  84. zerolight

    SPDIF Level Help

    Hi guys, hope you can help. First time using the SPDIF out on a Fractal. I expected the volume level to be fixed line level, but it is linked to output 1. If I crank the output 1 level on my FM3, and max the input level on my Focusrite 8i6, I'm getting my input level is low - it's around -7db...
  85. zerolight

    FW 1.02 - Free Preset Pack

    Thanks Leon. My headphone amp didn't work out (picked up interference) so I sent it back, ordered Focusrite and a pair of 880 pros (again - this is what I used on Axe 2XL). Andertons have let me down so waiting until the weekend from another dealer before I can finally play my FM3 and check out...
  86. zerolight

    Gain Staging a headphone amp?

    So I have my FM3 plus an XLR to phono cable into my headphone amp. It'll expect a typical line level in - how do I get that from my FM3? Do I crank it or do I do some gain staging by setting the output at mid way and winding my headphone amp up a bit. Does it matter?
  87. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    Cable arrived this evening. I get to try it properly tomorrow. 😀
  88. zerolight

    OMG-9, Effects for idiots?

    Click on it and look in the area underneath. Don't right click, just left click. Underneath it shows you what press does and what hold does. It'll say something like Effects Select Delay1 and you could change that to Filter. You can also set per preset effects instead. Rather than the FC...
  89. zerolight

    TFW you forget how much pick choice affects tone

    Ultex Jazz III here too. I've tried their carbon version and the JP version, but that yellowish Jazz III sounds best.
  90. zerolight

    Help with Dual External Switch

    This thing is crazy configurable. I've set up my stand in switches to work off of the Perform layout, as stand in switches. I just re-programmed the first four slots there to my outboard quad momentary switch. Row 1 Sw1 - press for scene 1, hold for effects layout view 1 Sw2 - press for scene...
  91. zerolight

    Help with Dual External Switch

    Seems to have started working. I see they also pick up the hold controls set too.
  92. zerolight

    Help with Dual External Switch

    OK - I thought this would be straight forwards, but it clearly isn't. So I have plugged my two 2 button foot switches into my FM3: in IO, each are Follow Hardware, Normally Closed, Momentary Break in Stand In Switches, each are set to 1 Scene, Select, 2 Scene, Select, etc. If I double click...
  93. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    My headphone amp takes phono inputs only so that won't help. I did briefly use output 2 last night with my HD6xx headphones but the output impedance is too high and no doubt the current too low that it just can't drive them very well, resulting in a too bright sound (and in mono). I can wait...
  94. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    Not if your buying XLR to Phono cables to feed a headphones amp. No.
  95. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    Mine came today - can't use it as I bought the wrong sex XLR cables!!! Gah. Amazon say delivery on Monday.
  96. zerolight

    Does the MFC-101 mk IIII work with the FM3?

    You can add 4 more switches with a couple of dual momentary trs switchers. Doesn’t cost much.
  97. zerolight

    Things I love about the FM3 (from an Axe-Fx II user)

    We can save blocks as blk files any more to use in other presets like we could on the Axe 2? Really? That's a bit disappointing. Is this just because it's early days for the FM3 or a feature?
  98. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

  99. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    Me too. :D
  100. zerolight

    FM3: G66 availability?

    I'm paid up to - ships Monday, all going well.
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