Recent content by soggybomb

  1. S

    Octavarium "Razor's Edge" solo

    Nicely done, mate.
  2. S

    help me decide my high gain between those two clip!

    I guess I liked 2 more, but only marginally more. Both are good tones for that downtuned metal vibe. I second the comments about mixing them together.
  3. S

    amp gain and od level question

    I am not quite sure what you are getting at. If you like to hit a conventional amp hard with a TS-808 then just go ahead and do that in the Axe-FX. Not sure what you are confused about here?
  4. S

    Anyone copy the T Rex Michael Angelo Batio pedal drive?

    Yeah, I remember reading in a review of the pedal that the pedal is a modified version of a Tube Screamer. I would take a Tube Screamer model and start tweaking from there.
  5. S

    treble vs presence ratio

    It depends a lot on the amp. I find with certain simulations, Mesa/Boogies in particular, I like to set the trebble much higher than the presence, and keep the presence low overall, while with Marshall (and similar) simulations, I like to keep them set to similar values. Just experiment and...
  6. S

    Question regarding recording with "Enhancer"

    Drop the enhancer, record each track in mono. The enhancer is acting as a delay on one of the two stereo signals, so if you pan them to the same side, there will be phase incoherence.
  7. S

    D20 - A track from my band's EP i'm recording

    I like the changes, they helped clean up the mix quite a bit. Great job!
  8. S

    Who can analyze this tone?

    He uses Two-Rock amps live, so try tweaking some of the Dumble amp sims to get you in the ballpark and get a good base tone for layering on drive pedals.
  9. S

    Cab sims... On or Off. need advice...

    If you are running into actual guitar cabinets, keep the cab simulations turned off because the simulations will introduce additional frequency filtering which is already being done by the imperfections of a guitar speaker. However, you may want to experiment with the power amp simulation...
  10. S

    D20 - A track from my band's EP i'm recording

    I do love loud guitars, but I think you could bring down their levels a bit to allow the bass and kick a bit of room to breathe. One of the things I always like about your clips that you post on this board is the massive bass tone that you get, and I would like to be able to hear more of it...
  11. S


    On many albums, the guitars were recorded with Royer R121 microphones, on axis, set a few inches back from the cabs. Experiment with this microphone at different positions instead of the 57s that most people use, and you will get closer.
  12. S

    Killswitch Engage - Arms of Sorrow Cover (part 1)

    Maybe this is just the speakers which I am currently listening right now, but there seems to be a little bit of compressor pumping when there is a drum hit that coincides with a guitar chug, causing the guitars to sounds a bit soft on the palm mutes. So, I think the recommendations to slightly...
  13. S

    Amon Amarth tone test -

    Too much gain, too much trebble, not enough midrange, too much bass. Work on improving string-to-string clarity; all the notes sounded like a buzzy mess. I don't know anything about the type of tone you are trying to replicate, but things need to tighten up a lot.
  14. S

    New mix settings - metal, more djenty than before

    The kick sounds a little weird. I can't put my finger on it. Otherwise, I think you did a pretty good job.
  15. S

    YouTube: Clark Kent: Axe-Fx Metal Shootout

    I disagree with your assessment that the Engl is too aggressive, I think it has a great midrange that cuts nicely. On James Labrie's new album, Marco Sfogli blended one of those with a Recto, and the rhythm tone on that album slays.
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