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  • Are you still using the Accugroove? Where in MO are you (I'm in Parkville)? Considering the pricey purchase, but I'd rather hear one first.
    Hello I saw a really old post from you about using an axe fx for a phish cover band. I'm working on dialing in a trey sound wondering if you could point me in the direction of any good presets to check out.
    For cabs I use one of the hires AC30 2X12s (celestion blues). There are two main cabs that I switch between 093 — 2x12 CLASS-A 30W BLUE MIX and 138 — 2x12 CLASS-A BLUES MIX. I think I use 138 the most.
    All the other effects are pretty straight forward. I don't use a compressor but I really don't notice it much. IMO the AXE compressor doesn't react like a Ross.
    The whole 2 TS into the Ross acting like a preamp is a pretty unique set up, I can get the tone but not the feel out of the AXE. Does this help?
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