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Which is the Real Amp?

Which segment is the real amp?

  • A

    Votes: 69 39.0%
  • B

    Votes: 46 26.0%
  • C

    Votes: 62 35.0%

  • Total voters
I don't vote for people who want to put abortionists in jail and put racist posts on their newsletters - then deny they'r rsponsible. But I did vote for A. Sounded the best to me - but was also louder. I will play with a low shelf meself and see what happens.

A: Axe-Fx with lowshelf filter before amp block.
B: Axe-Fx
C: Real amp

A ended up louder after normalization probably because the lowshelf reduced the dynamic range a bit.

IOW, most people were wrong. Let's see how the poll changes now that I've released the results. Historically the poll statistics will change with people claiming "oh, I didn't read the answer but I could tell. There's something more organic, blah, blah...".

At the time of this posting the results were 29, 22, 20. Of course now that I've said this those "a posteriori" people will be disinclined to post.

Nice! OK, do we get Axe-Edit 3 now?
phew...I was right. But to be honest...it was a pure guess based on "not thinking too much". It really could have been any of the three :)
I don't vote for people who want to put abortionists in jail and put racist posts on their newsletters - then deny they'r rsponsible. But I did vote for A. Sounded the best to me - but was also louder. I will play with a low shelf meself and see what happens.

What's this about racist posts in newsletters?
I picked A mainly because if I had to choose an amp with these 3 fundamental characters to choose from, A was a little more in the face/present with the very first notes. What does that mean? I made a freakin good choice in buying an axe…. has everything I need and then some!!
To replicate what I did in A you need to put a 1st-order lowshelf in front of the amp block. Unfortunately you can only do this in the beta firmware I am running. You can get close with the following settings in the Filter block:

Type: Lowshelf
Freq: 120 Hz
Order: 2nd
Q: 0.5
Gain: -6.00 dB

Adjust gain to taste. You may then need to add some bass back in after the amp block or using the EQ page in the amp block.

I'm contemplating making this a switch in the amp block called "Tight" or (or "Cut" because that fits in the text outline).
ah, i see where this is going now. this is such a common practice and sounds great with so many amp types, that i can totally see cliff's reasoning. nice.
Used to do this a lot when I had my ultra. Sounds good if the hump is centred on the tonestack frequency of some amps - about 600hz
I voted "c" as the real amp but I liked "a" the best. The Axe FX II is so awesome. I had no doubt the best sounding clip would be the AXE.
I wanted to say A and B are the same "thing" (amp or whatever). But it's kind of useless after things were revealed, isn't it?
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