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FW 10 Preview - Joe Bonamassa

Soundcloud link just says "oops.. Wrong page" from my iPad.

youtube says "video not available on mobile.

No soup for me!

Are you using ForumRunner app?

If so, I get that with all soundcloud links when viewed as a thread.... If you click on the post, anywhere, but not on a link in the post.. It should open a post view of just the post ... And the soundcloud links work there.
Fantastic playing - practically indistinguishable from Joe B's playing and tone...

Will you be posting the patch on Axe-Change? That way all the rest of us can.... oh wait, no we can't, because the majority of us haven't GOT FW10 that more and more people seem to be posting clips/presets etc. that serve to do no more than tantalise and remind us that the gulf between the 'haves' and 'have nots' is wide and uncrossable. :)

... all in good spirit... ;)
Fantastic playing - practically indistinguishable from Joe B's playing and tone...

Will you be posting the patch on Axe-Change? That way all the rest of us can.... oh wait, no we can't, because the majority of us haven't GOT FW10 that more and more people seem to be posting clips/presets etc. that serve to do no more than tantalise and remind us that the gulf between the 'haves' and 'have nots' is wide and uncrossable. :)

... all in good spirit... ;)

Yes. The preset will be posted just as soon as the beta is public.
Hey Cooper, his is by far the nicest attempt to nail a Bonamassa style tone with the Axe. Now maybe a close Eric Johnson try with fw 10?

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Excellent playing bro! I highly recommend you get the signature Joe pups, they will get you much closer to his tone! They have re defined tone in my guitars and my ears.
Niiiice! Love P90s- new guitar Cooper?

Nope. Just try not to play it too much; bit of a collector's item. Also, definitely appreciate what Gibsons (and LPs specifically) have to offer, but never have been a huge fan of playing them as a main instrument.

Hey Cooper, his is by far the nicest attempt to nail a Bonamassa style tone with the Axe. Now maybe a close Eric Johnson try with fw 10?

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

Thanks! Once you get JB's tone, EJ isn't far off. "Cliffs" and "Desert Rose" sound awesome through this preset. I'll see what I can do.

Excellent playing bro! I highly recommend you get the signature Joe pups, they will get you much closer to his tone! They have re defined tone in my guitars and my ears.

I have played with a set of the SD custom shop JB pickups. They sound fantastic, but I found they made everything sound a little too much like JB. They are definitely distinctive. I've toyed with the idea of putting the JB bridge PU in my EBMM but then I'd have nothing to do with the neck PU haha
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