Announcing the FM9 Mark II Turbo

Longtime Helix user here that am looking to make the move to the FM9. I got on the waitlist on Jan 31st, and was expecting a long haul, but excited to hear the new units are moving. I love the ease of use of the Helix, and a bit intimidated by the complexity of the FM9, but ready to take it to the next level for my Worship guitar needs. Been using paid Worship presets on the Helix (WT, Strabala, and Tone Factor), so know that the same providers will get me up and running quickly, and defintely not going to buy as many as I did for the Helix. Nice to meet you all and will probably be bugging you all a bit as I get up to speed. But I did have one question already (Started reading the manual) - If I wanted to just use one preset for an entire set, and maximize scenes and channel use for the changes between the songs (On my Helix I basically use standard base tones, such Clean, Crunch, Drive, Lead, Ambient and Swells), is there any way to stay in the same patch but have predefined BPM/Tempo changes for each of the songs without manually tapping in. Can I assign a switch to have like 3 defined Tempos (Not Subdivsions), to apply to that one preset? For my Helix the way I do this is I have to have 3 different presets saved wit hthe BPM, even if everything else is the same. Thanks in advance for any clarification you can provide.
I've found that refreshing my email 14 times/hour has not caused my invite to magically appear. :D
God yes, this is exactly me.

That, and also checking all of the folders that gmail tries to help self-organize. "Maybe it went into Promotions. Nope. It must be in Social. Nope..." :tearsofjoy:

I also signed up for the OG FM9 years ago, eventually got the invite, but didn't buy it. Fast forward to last month, when I intending on buying the FM9 Turbo (pre-Mark II). So I added my name to the waitlist again a few weeks ago (my original "you can buy it now" link had expired).

So now I'm also playing the mental game that "maybe I've been banned from the waitlist because I didn't buy the original. Or maybe they de-duped me in the list in some way and my name dropped. Or maybe there's a new list just for the Mark II and I should sign up again. But maybe that's too much and then they'll really ban me...".

I am very happy that they seem to have ordered plenty of supply, so even if I've somehow managed to botch the waitlist I should just be able to get one from the store in a week or two.
Longtime Helix user here that am looking to make the move to the FM9.

Welcome to the forum!

I'm a longtime AX8 user that was THIS close to switching the Helix last month, but after a lot of research I decided to stick with Fractal and am waiting for an FM9 invite. It is indeed an awesome product and I think you made the right choice.

You'll find a lot of great advice here in the forums, as well as other forums and also the big youtubers like Leon. Keep in mind that most of Fractal's products have the same features across the product line, even going as far back as the AX8 for certain things. Most of the time I can search for "Fractal how to do X" and I'll find good results. I'll do the same within youtube.

There is a big learning curve - I probably have a few hundred hours into the platform and still feel like a novice. But the good news is you can quickly get a good rig set up and then deep dive as needed.

I'll let others who know the new platform answer your specific delay question, but I believe you can minimally do it with channels, which are like presets for a block (a block is an individual effect/amp/cab). I think for FM9 you can have four channels per delay block, and you can have up to four delays per preset. So up to 16 delay settings if you go nuts. I think you could then just set up a setlist and tie each block/channel to a specific song or song type.

Anyway, that's top of mind, others will probably have a slicker way of doing it (because with Fractal, there's usually my dumb way and then the slicker way) :).
Longtime Helix user here that am looking to make the move to the FM9. I got on the waitlist on Jan 31st, and was expecting a long haul, but excited to hear the new units are moving. I love the ease of use of the Helix, and a bit intimidated by the complexity of the FM9, but ready to take it to the next level for my Worship guitar needs. Been using paid Worship presets on the Helix (WT, Strabala, and Tone Factor), so know that the same providers will get me up and running quickly, and defintely not going to buy as many as I did for the Helix. Nice to meet you all and will probably be bugging you all a bit as I get up to speed. But I did have one question already (Started reading the manual) - If I wanted to just use one preset for an entire set, and maximize scenes and channel use for the changes between the songs (On my Helix I basically use standard base tones, such Clean, Crunch, Drive, Lead, Ambient and Swells), is there any way to stay in the same patch but have predefined BPM/Tempo changes for each of the songs without manually tapping in. Can I assign a switch to have like 3 defined Tempos (Not Subdivsions), to apply to that one preset? For my Helix the way I do this is I have to have 3 different presets saved wit hthe BPM, even if everything else is the same. Thanks in advance for any clarification you can provide.

I use my FM9 on Sundays and also stay on one preset for the set. Blocks have 4 channels (ABCD) and fortunately, so does the “Controllers” block, which contains the tempo. So you can easily have 4 tempos saved, one for each of 4 Scenes. For sets that go beyond 4 songs, I just duplicate my preset to the next slot and have 4 more. It’s also quite common for two songs in a set to have the same tempo so you can use that channel on more than one Scene.

It would be very nice though if Fractal would give the Controllers block 8 channels, one per Scene.
I use my FM9 on Sundays and also stay on one preset for the set. Blocks have 4 channels (ABCD) and fortunately, so does the “Controllers” block, which contains the tempo. So you can easily have 4 tempos saved, one for each of 4 Scenes. For sets that go beyond 4 songs, I just duplicate my preset to the next slot and have 4 more. It’s also quite common for two songs in a set to have the same tempo so you can use that channel on more than one Scene.

It would be very nice though if Fractal would give the Controllers block 8 channels, one per Scene.
@guitarplayer1969 listen to this guy. He’s gets some insanely good tone out of his fm9
Standing in front of it, the scribble strips are very crisp and clear. I think they're easier to read than the FC Mk II and FM3 Mk II but maybe my increasingly bad eyes are lying to me. :)
Over the years, I’ve noticed that Fractal will sometimes quietly improve the sharpness and contrast of their displays. No fanfare, no announcement — just a better experience.
I use my FM9 on Sundays and also stay on one preset for the set. Blocks have 4 channels (ABCD) and fortunately, so does the “Controllers” block, which contains the tempo. So you can easily have 4 tempos saved, one for each of 4 Scenes. For sets that go beyond 4 songs, I just duplicate my preset to the next slot and have 4 more. It’s also quite common for two songs in a set to have the same tempo so you can use that channel on more than one Scene.

It would be very nice though if Fractal would give the Controllers block 8 channels, one per Scene.
Your handle name looks really familiar to me (but a variation: DickJonesify). Did you at one point have an Atomic AmpliFire or Helix modeler, because I believe I might have interacted with you years back on another forum?
Yes, I’m dickjonesify everywhere else. This forum wouldn’t let me have the letters d i c and k in that order hahaha.

Feel free to DM me if you have questions.
So in your description above of how you use your FM9 on Sundays, you are just using the Scenes of one preset, one per song, to make fine tune adjustments of blocks and the BPM for the song, and then running in a stompbox mode to add Drives etc as needed for the different parts of the songs? I am kind of having a hard time understanding the scenes on the FM9, as it compares to the Helix Snapshots, as the FM9 also has the channels, and setlist management for Songs, which is new to me. On the Helix I pretty much live in snapshot mode, which are different levels of Drive, and Reverb. I could probably accomplish the same thing in stomp mode, but a few of my Snapshots had a lot of changes happening, and I am not the best at stomping so keep it to one. I then would use that template for other songs, but they would be different presets with subtle changes to delay and reverb, with the song BPM saved. I know the FM9 know has gapless switching so maybe song presets are the way to go if its easy to change to a new preset.
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So in your description above of how you use your FM9 on Sundays, you jare ust using the Scenes of one preset, one per song, to make fine tune adjustments of blocks and the BPM for the song, and then running in a stompbox mode to add Drives etcas needed for the different parts of the songs? I am kind of having a hard time understanding the scenes on the FM9, as it compares to the Helix Snapshots, as the FM9 also has the channels, and setlist management for Songs, which is new to me. On the Helix I pretty much live in snapshot mode, which are different levels of Drive, and Reverb. I could probably accomplish the same thing in stomp mode, but a few of my Snapshots had a lot of changes happening, and I am not the best at stomping so keep it to one. I then would use that template for other songs, but they would be differnt presets with sutle changes to delay and reverb, with the song BPM saved. I know the FM9 know has gapless switching so maybe song presets are the way to go if its easy to change to a new preset.

I’ll reply in a DM so as not to derail too much here but you’ve got the idea, yeah.
Ordered an FC6 Mk II in anticipation of my waitlist number coming up, so I can enjoy the new hotness a little and get the swap-out of things on pedalboards started (and spread out a bit, since it means a lot of time sitting on the floor).

Ordered an FC6 Mk II in anticipation of my waitlist number coming up, so I can enjoy the new hotness a little and get the swap-out of things on pedalboards started (and spread out a bit, since it means a lot of time sitting on the floor).


Hardware Friday next week. :)
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