Finally got my guitars re-stringed

We have one...a Shell. They just updated the pumps but get kept the 'kids' on staff to continue pumping gas. The gas station celebrated its 100th year in business last year.
I think there's one here in Ottawa too - Esso - been there a very long time - in the fancy neighbourhood - where peeps prefer to remain in their Teslas (doh!, I mean Cadillacs).
Joe does a great setup vid, perhaps inspiring to hi-endy restring service customers. Unlike many guitar god how-to vids, this one actually goes into quite a bit of detail (though I don't know how people see relief by sighting down the neck - better eyes than me).
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Joe does a great setup vid, perhaps inspiring to hi-endy restring service customers. Unlike many guitar god how-to vids, this one actually goes into quite a bit of detail (though I don't know how people see relief by sighting down the neck - better eyes than me).

Great video and he is absolutely hilarious!
I still remember in 1979 when I got my first guitar and the area older, super cool player/singer and friend of my brother sat me down and showed me how to properly change strings. It was the proper way still used by most. I remember being grateful and excited. It was like the first step entering the rite of passage into guitar playing.

It turned out that my body chemistry is hell on strings and this was before coated strings, so when I was playing at my max I could kill a set in 3 days. So I had no choice. There is nothing worse than dead strings.

I do remember sitting in my friend’s small, but popular family owned music shop since the 50’s having parents bring their kids in for lessons and paying to have the strings changed before the lesson.
Oregon has FINALLY let customers pump their own gas! Took a pandemic and labor shortages or something to get that in place.

I do wonder if some natives (not that there are many) might feel intimidated.
I had no idea there were areas that didn’t have self pump.
Yeah she could have traded up from me a long time ago if she wanted to - Guess I'm lucky she still loves my raggedy ass (although I can't for the life of me figure out why!).
Of course it’s more than this and one must keep the fire kindled, but after a while the thought of having to sift through all the mental and emotional baggage if neither doesn’t want to be alone for the rest of their life is a terrifying prospect. Also, once you start to look like each other and answer each other before the question was asked is a special thing.😉
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