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Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #4 (Beta 4)

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fast food eating GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Yeah, the bias bug was a weird one. I never noticed it because it usually only happened after you changed presets. Since I was always using the same preset during my tests it didn't experience it. Then, by chance, I switched presets and the sound completely disappeared. I started poking around and noticed the bias on one of the triode stages was at -infinity.
When I installed beta 2 and went to my 5153 100W Red preset it was like the aural equivalent of an album cover a few people might know where a beam of light passes through a prism and is broken down into it's component parts, but in this case it being unpleasant. The low end was a subdued layer and the mids a separate but very loud and brittle layer and the reverb was coming through very loudly but completely disjointed from the rest. Someone in the beta 2 thread (sorry I forget who) said they reinstalled it and that seemed to improve it so I did likewise which did seem to help but it was still not all there. I've been a bit tired and headachy after work this week so I didn't trust myself not to be doing something dumb. Now everything is back to it's glorious, cohesive whole again.
I guess the moral of this story is...you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette, and this is a Michelin star omelette. Thanks again.
* possible bug* When I reset my recto red 1 amp block the knob that usually says presence in the idea page says hi cut now. I don't remember this being like this before and when I go to the tone page it has a presence knob.
Hi all, I just updated to Beta 4 and i disabled MLM Combo on the front and in axe edit/fc-edit and the RT bottom row has
3-4 switches still not working.
Front panel or Axe-Edit?

I really want to get rid of the Ideal page. It's causes a lot of headaches.
should we make a poll thread just to see general thoughts? with all the work toward the Authentic page over the past years, i personally never use Ideal. i'd guess some like the extra controls at times.

but i think the Axe platform seems to be going in a certain direction and the Ideal page doesn't contribute to that...

i'd love to know how many people use Ideal purposefully to get something the Authentic page doesn't offer.
Hi all, I just updated to Beta 4 and i disabled MLM Combo on the front and in axe edit/fc-edit and the RT bottom row has
3-4 switches still not working.
You didn't provide much specific information to go by, but I just checked an FC-6 and FC_12 with the new beta and everything is fine. I used factory default layouts and I also made the one change you listed of disabling the Master Layout Menu. All switches work normally.
You didn't provide much specific information to go by, but I just checked an FC-6 and FC_12 with the new beta and everything is fine. I used factory default layouts and I also made the one change you listed of disabling the Master Layout Menu. All switches work normally.
Mine works fine, as well. I tend to disable this generally speaking.
I noticed it a couple of days ago when reading someone discussing their settings and when I compared to my own I didn't have a presence knob. Your post reminded me to check and I just happen to be on that preset now.
I should have known better, this happened before for me and as soon as I read your post I was like "oh yeah dumbass, you've seen this before". Thank you again for helping me out.
should we make a poll thread just to see general thoughts? with all the work toward the Authentic page over the past years, i personally never use Ideal. i'd guess some like the extra controls at times.

but i think the Axe platform seems to be going in a certain direction and the Ideal page doesn't contribute to that...

i'd love to know how many people use Ideal purposefully to get something the Authentic page doesn't offer.
Haven’t touched the ideal page in forever. Authentic page, if not, SIC/IR swap and fiddling with some cuts gets me there everytime.
I really want to get rid of the Ideal page. It's causes a lot of headaches.
Is the headache supporting both tabs or supporting the additional parameters? I realise that although I live on the Ideal tab I rarely use the 'bonus content' e.g. cut, fat etc... although, for example, on my Recto Red preset I like the Depth option and had to go to the Tone tab to see that it is not there (I've never played a physical Recto). If having both tabs is the headache I could live with one tab with the additional controls being shaded differently to the authentic ones, or something. I've only been onboard since firmware 15 so I don't know the history of how things have been handled in the past. I'm sure this has been hotly debated before so I'll get my coat now...
Yeah, the bias bug was a weird one. I never noticed it because it usually only happened after you changed presets. Since I was always using the same preset during my tests it didn't experience it. Then, by chance, I switched presets and the sound completely disappeared. I started poking around and noticed the bias on one of the triode stages was at -infinity.
Minus infinity may not be the ideal bias, but then, I may be biased myself.
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