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Turbo vs reg mkII and full res IR


I understand the power difference but i keep hearing people say if you’re going to use full Res IR’s you need to get the turbo. The regular mkII can run full res Ir’s? Im usually use one amp delay, reverb, compression per patch so will i still be able to use full Res IR’s??? Thanks
I understand the power difference but i keep hearing people say if you’re going to use full Res IR’s you need to get the turbo. The regular mkII can run full res Ir’s? Im usually use one amp delay, reverb, compression per patch so will i still be able to use full Res IR’s??? Thanks

The mk1 can run fullres, it just can't store many of them. The only reason to get a turbo is 1. you get close to running out of CPU 2. You love the FAS team and want to give them your money.
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