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Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 5.00 Beta

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Funny I don't see any of the other reported possible bugs getting overlooked. I feel more than ignored right now. I have an advantage of having access to 3 AXE FX III units. I replicated it on all 3. I don't post problems, unless I feel there is some underlying issue. Maybe it's not a bug, but something changed. I try to resolve it myself, which I did this time, by having to use non normal methods. I moved the master volume to 5, but it does not stay there. If the amp is reset, it goes back to 10. Presence does not stay set as well. And if Authentic is turned on in global settings, bass, mid and treble revert back to 5, among other settings. So I have to leave the master volume on 10, turn off Authentic, drop input gain to 2 and drop the bass to 0. Then it sounds ok. That method does not feel normal to me. But don't worry, if everyone stops responding to me, I'll stop posting!
It should reset to 10.. they’re non MV amps which all default to 10. If you were running them on anything other than 10 that was where the problem originated. Which perhaps makes sense during the Authentic/Ideal change. I’m not sure if I’ve seen you answer the question: was the MV on the FW where it sounded good lower than 10? Then on the update to FW5.0 did it get reset to 10? Simple thing to check & would explain what you’re experiencing.
Starting a new thread for a specific issue puts focus on that issue rather than being mixed up with other topics.

It’s better, not worse, if you want it solved.

Otherwise let’s just have one big thread for the entire forum, you know?
Thank you Mr Cliff Chase, I have been struggling with the clarity of the mids and upwards distracting from the Chug, Not bad , Just different. I use the Recto model a LOT, I will be installing 5 Beta in the am and hopefully, if this forum is to be trusted and it usually is, We will be live on 5, in Grand Rapids Michigan tomorrow.

Thanks Fractal Team

P.S. Firmware update, No soundcheck, Live in front of 20K ish fans....Gulp!
I was mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the models. I had the controls set differently.

For a Fender the controls go 1-10. On the model they go 0 - 10. To replicate the amp's controls multiply by 1.1 and subtract 1.1. I had the amp set to 6, 6, 6 and set the model to 6, 6, 6 and there was too much bass and gain. But the correct value is 5.5, 5.5, 5.5.
And it is not one of those fender amps that go 1-12 rather than 1-10?
I re-installed 5.00 beta tonight and everything sounds good now, including the Fenders. What corrected the horrible sounding Fenders for me was rolling back to 4.03, re-installing everything, including the presets, and system files, then while on 4.03 re-setting all the amp blocks for all the Fender presets and re-saving them. Then I re-downloaded 5.00 beta and re-installed it. I just went through all my main presets and everything sounds right now. 5.00 beta sounds really good on the Marshall presets.
I re-installed 5.00 beta tonight and everything sounds good now, including the Fenders. What corrected the horrible sounding Fenders for me was rolling back to 4.03, re-installing everything, including the presets, and system files, then while on 4.03 re-setting all the amp blocks for all the Fender presets and re-saving them. Then I re-downloaded 5.00 beta and re-installed it. I just went through all my main presets and everything sounds right now. 5.00 beta sounds really good on the Marshall presets.

Glad to hear this, have fun!
Yup, as mentioned there actually was no error.

Reduce the bass controls, or please start a new thread if you think something is still wrong.

Of course if those reporting potential problems are using Authentic controls, there is no bass control on the Tweed Champ, Princeton, Deluxe, etc. The current value of the Bass control could be set to something higher than the default and the user would never know it since if is not displayed without going to the Ideal page in Axe-Edit or the advanced parameters on the hardware. Even though many of the old Fenders don't have a bass control, that is one parameter that I like to turn down to improve upon the real thing. Authentic controls are not always your friend.

And it is not one of those fender amps that go 1-12 rather than 1-10?

The tweeds go from 1 to 12.
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Thank you Mr Cliff Chase, I have been struggling with the clarity of the mids and upwards distracting from the Chug, Not bad , Just different. I use the Recto model a LOT, I will be installing 5 Beta in the am and hopefully, if this forum is to be trusted and it usually is, We will be live on 5, in Grand Rapids Michigan tomorrow.

Thanks Fractal Team

P.S. Firmware update, No soundcheck, Live in front of 20K ish fans....Gulp!

You will definitely have to post an update with how it all goes :)
When A/B'ing, the difference I notice on low note chugs with the Recto models is that 4.03 sounds a bit crispy / crunchy compared to 5.00, which has a smoother / deeper quality. 4.03 is a bit thin compared to 5.00, which sounds a bit fuller. An improvement for sure.

Same exact thing with the Plexis. The highs aren't spikey and overall has a meaner-sounding "growl"!
The chugs are so good now with this firmware! It has this throaty bell like feel to it! It feels more open and articulate! I was going through some of the presets I had made and was enjoying them all over again! Haven't even looked at the factory stuff yet!

Excellent update Fractal team!!
I re-installed 5.00 beta tonight and everything sounds good now, including the Fenders. What corrected the horrible sounding Fenders for me was rolling back to 4.03, re-installing everything, including the presets, and system files, then while on 4.03 re-setting all the amp blocks for all the Fender presets and re-saving them. Then I re-downloaded 5.00 beta and re-installed it. I just went through all my main presets and everything sounds right now. 5.00 beta sounds really good on the Marshall presets.
After reading @trancegodz post, I decided to try his solution and amps are back to normal.

I also found what may have caused the tone issue, in the first place, which may help someone else.
I found that one of the AXE IIIs had 4.00 beta on it and the tones were good. And to be honest, after all the frustration and confusion, I was not sure what version firmware was on the others, before updating to 5.00 beta.
So it got me wondering, if this could have been the cause. To be sure I decided to downgrade the other AXE III units to 4.00 beta and start from there, going directly to 5.00 beta. I got the same exact bad Fender tone results, even after resetting the amps.
So I downgraded to 4.03, re-installed presets, reset the amp blocks, tested and amps sounded good.
Then I flashed back up to 5.00 beta and the Fender amps sounded good.
There are a lot of electronic devices that are required to be flashed sequentially. Otherwise certain anomalies can arise.
So I think the cause may have been updating from 4.00 directly to 5.00 beta.
I'm curious about how a firmware update being re-applied would fix some of the issues called out in this thread and if Cliff could chime in. Binary data is binary, either it passes the file checksum or it fails and the whole update fails (at least, that's how I understand the firmware updates to work).

The reason I ask is because FW 5 isn't really doing it for me; the amps seem to be all over the place low-end wise (not the Fenders, which I don't really use, but the higher gain amps like the Herbie and Uber and Friedmans) and most I've used have a muddiness / blanket effect that I can't seem to dial out. I need to spend more time with it tweaking since obviously the algorithms changed, but those are my initial impressions. It's like a lot of complex chord detail that used to be there (and is certainly there on the real amps, especially the Friedmans) is being lost somewhere in the muddiness.
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