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Hello there, I'm a little late for a reply, but I have just found this today. Searching for a great IR to play loud through my new Red Sound RS-LG12. On headphones I like a few IRs but played through the box they sounded a little bit "tinny". I tried a lot and found this IR from ML and I was shocked how good this sounds! I don't know what it is but it feels really really good. I will definitely look on the other stuff from ML and buy something. I can't wait to test the IR loud in Mix with my band. I'm shure this will be huge. Thanks for offering this!!! Keep on prog'in!
Hello there, I'm a little late for a reply, but I have just found this today. Searching for a great IR to play loud through my new Red Sound RS-LG12. On headphones I like a few IRs but played through the box they sounded a little bit "tinny". I tried a lot and found this IR from ML and I was shocked how good this sounds! I don't know what it is but it feels really really good. I will definitely look on the other stuff from ML and buy something. I can't wait to test the IR loud in Mix with my band. I'm shure this will be huge. Thanks for offering this!!! Keep on prog'in!
Thank you miasei! That's some awesome feedback. :) Definitely take a look at the IR's at www.ml-sound-lab.com that are in .wav format in case you're not a Fractal user. :)
Thank you miasei! That's some awesome feedback. :)
I'll give it a try. Can you recommend a pack for prog rock/metal stuff? I have an AX8 and am very happy with this little unit. Before I played a Kemper. Also nice but you have to find the right profile for you when you don't have a rig that you can reproduce. For me with fractal stuff it's a lot easier for good tones without geeting to deep into thr unit. For all who are new to the fractal gear take a look to the videos the great Leon Todd did. I learned a lot from this in a short time. Very professional and nuce guy. Have a nice day and keep on the good work!
I'll give it a try. Can you recommend a pack for prog rock/metal stuff? I have an AX8 and am very happy with this little unit. Before I played a Kemper. Also nice but you have to find the right profile for you when you don't have a rig that you can reproduce. For me with fractal stuff it's a lot easier for good tones without geeting to deep into thr unit. For all who are new to the fractal gear take a look to the videos the great Leon Todd did. I learned a lot from this in a short time. Very professional and nuce guy. Have a nice day and keep on the good work!
Everyone loves the Mega Oversize. I'm personally torn between the Boaner and the Mega right now. They're both really good but it's very easy for me to recommend the Mega because everyone loves it. :)
Everyone loves the Mega Oversize. I'm personally torn between the Boaner and the Mega right now. They're both really good but it's very easy for me to recommend the Mega because everyone loves it. :)
Thanks a lot. Update: I tried the free one loud yesterday with my band. Very good!!! Feels fabulos and my band members were also very pleased. I can recommend the redsound rs-lg12 as an frfr solution. It sounds great. Fits better for me than the dynacord axm 12a, which is a little bit too sterile imo.
Just came back here to say how much I still love this IR. It hasn't been dislodged from the #1 slot ever since it came out. I have bought several IR packs in the last few years, but I haven't ever used anything on my main high gain rhythm preset. For some reason this just sounds more "mature" than all the other IRs I try, even other ML ones! Something about the mids really has me going gaga over it. The only thing I do is add a bit of proximity (only 1.50) to compensate for the lows is all. Truly the best IR!
This IR made it to so much of my studio recordings over the last years it’s ridiculous. I come in with my Axe FX, they ask for one of the usual suspects (Fender, Marshall of Mesa), I couple it with this IR or my other “magic IR” by Valhallir and we’re good to go. At home it has become one of my go-to “re-ampers”. Plays especially nice with Plexi’s…..
I dont know why I like this IR as much as I do, I have lots of other really great IR packs but I just keep coming back to this one!! It's either some black magic or some kind of mind trick lol. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing more :)
I'm guessing some clever use of EQ on the IR and maybe some phase processing. Will be fun to find out!
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