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Bug? [Bug] Axe-Edit + Midi beat clock

Hi there,

Maybe it's not a bug, it's a feature, but it's there. When noodling at home with my Axe (to create patches, tune sounds, etc) I find easier to bounce from one preset to another using my LF+12+ which is connected via MIDI to the Axe-Fx II. Problem is that with this new feature from FAMC (Which is a thing that's on the RJM Mastermind too, I think), the Midi Beat Clock, the Axe-edit keeps going in "Paused communication" mode.
Is there any reason for it to do that? Can it be fixed? I could stop midi beat clock from being sent while tweaking, but it's nice to adjust the delays while changing tempo using a tap tempo stomp...

Hi there,

Maybe it's not a bug, it's a feature, but it's there. When noodling at home with my Axe (to create patches, tune sounds, etc) I find easier to bounce from one preset to another using my LF+12+ which is connected via MIDI to the Axe-Fx II. Problem is that with this new feature from FAMC (Which is a thing that's on the RJM Mastermind too, I think), the Midi Beat Clock, the Axe-edit keeps going in "Paused communication" mode.
Is there any reason for it to do that? Can it be fixed? I could stop midi beat clock from being sent while tweaking, but it's nice to adjust the delays while changing tempo using a tap tempo stomp...


In AE go to Settings --> Preferences --> Options and uncheck the '' Automatically pause ...'' option at the bottom.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-12 um 21.08.23.png
Nothing to do with the beat clock... It has to do with incoming midi changes and Axe Edit.

The fix was already posted,however, note that preset changes and possibly scene changes will have a very audible audio gap when you set Axe Edit to not pause.
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