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RATT - Lay it Down tone matchy poo.

OMG That's a good job. You have a knack for tone matching! Very useful cab now thanks to Fractool. Gotta donate to Fractool also!
thanks for sharing, just used fractool and put it on my AxeFxII MKII on Q6.01 and it still sounds spot on!
Ok... so this post is old, but so solid it deserves to live on (forever). Dude, this tone just slays. I downloaded it, and have been riffing non stop for an hour. Inspired to me go learn the whole song, just because. Thanks man. This might be my new fav go to 80's tone. (and I have some good ones, but this with my Carvin with active pups is just blazing!
You need to import it to the AX8. In AX8 Edit (with your AX8 connected) click on <Preset>, go down to <Import Preset...>, find the file on your computer (in the Downloads folder in Windows 10) and double-click it. Should load automatically.
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