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4cm routing question - is this possible?

pow lee

New Member
Hi all,
new AX8 owner here.
I actually had a pretty specific idea on how to config my setup before I bought the AX8, so now I'm in the testing / learning stage and wondering if it's at all possible to do so, as I haven't quite grasped the routing concept of the FX loop in the AX8 yet.
What I want is this: use the 4cm to be able to use 2 different and switchable / presetable configs in my real tube amp setup:

guitar--> AX8
AX8 out2 --> tube amp front in
tube amp FX send--> AX8 in2
AX8 out1--> tube amp FX return

1) use a pre-amp signal chain only ( comp, OD pedal sims, some FX etc) and keep the amp's FX loop unused / neutral
so I can use my amp's clean channel and sound
2) ignore the pre-amp-input chain alltogether and use the AX8's amp models to feed my tube amp's return / power amp only, thus bypassing the amp's front input alltogether

some presets would then be clean / OD sounds using my tube amp's circuitry, while others would be high gain sounds using the AX8 amps going into my amp's power section only.

Anyone tried/ using this config?

Question on the side - why is it not possible to use the amp model's preamp section only, or to have a series of preamps in the AX8 amp section so that one could let the actual tube amp take care of the power amp and speaker sound? So far, a soon as I turn off the speaker sims, every amp sounds extremely harsh, like listening to an uncorrected recording out.( if I missed someting and there actually are preamps in the AX8, sorry and ignore the question)

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This config is most definitely possible. In the Amp block you can turn power amp sag to 0 thus turning off the power amp simulation. Or you can leave it on if you like the sound of that better. Also if you're turning off speaker cab simulation running into headphones, studio monitors, PA system..etc. yes it will sound harsh. If your running into a guitar cabinet then having cab simulation off is the way to go. With 4cm you should never have the cab sims on anyhow. Basically it sounds to me like you're getting a little confused. You'll get some good help here. Reading up on previous threads about 4cm and the wiki will help you.

For situation 1) make sure you still have an FXL block active in that preset. Anytime you wish to use your actual Amp's preamp you need to have the FXL block active in the chain. Anything before your FXL block in the chain is going to the front of your amp, anything after FXL is in the loop of your amp.

2) Create a preset with no fxl block and no cab sim. In amp block turning sag to 0 will defeat the power amp simulation. Your preference to what sounds better, on or off.
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I'm interested in this as well. With my Kemper, I can do both...meaning I can have cabs off to my traditional guitar cab on stage while sending the full preset with cabs on to the FOH. Is this possible? My AX8 should be here tomorrow.
How is that different than 4CM? I'm still going to use my amp's preamp sometimes.
Sorry you didn't mention anything about using an actual amp preamp in your post. Just the Kemper. That's why I thought you were referring to Output 1 to FOH and Output 2 to power amp/cab method.
Sorry. The Kemper reference was to say I've done it that way before. I'm using a 5153 amp with Marshall cab and wanted to utilize both.
Sorry. The Kemper reference was to say I've done it that way before. I'm using a 5153 amp with Marshall cab and wanted to utilize both.

So to get this straight - you would like to run 4 cable method (5153 amp and AX8 for fx) while also routing an amp sim and cab sim to FOH. Right? I believe its possible in mono operation and with the correct panning. Hard to explain that routing exactly. A picture from the editor would help.

I do recall some people going for this option. I'd try searching some threads for it.
Thanks guys, I got it now.
I realized that as soon as the FX loop is on, things are routed to out2 and out 1 is neutral / off. Wasn't too clear in the manual. Also, I set the AX8 to cabs off and power amp sim off using the internal settings menu. If I understand correctly, this ( and other things) cannot be accessed via the editor? if so, I wonder why not?
Thanks guys, I got it now.
I realized that as soon as the FX loop is on, things are routed to out2 and out 1 is neutral / off. Wasn't too clear in the manual. Also, I set the AX8 to cabs off and power amp sim off using the internal settings menu. If I understand correctly, this ( and other things) cannot be accessed via the editor? if so, I wonder why not?

I'm not sure what you may be doing - in 4cm output 1 shouldn't become neutral or off. This must mean you are not continuing your shunts all the way to the Output. Here's a video which may help you -

Globally no they cannot be accessed via the editor. Per preset they can though by bypassing the cab block and turning sag to 0.
Does the AX8 have relays in the pedal inputs? I'd like to be able to channel switch my head which uses a standard 1/4 mono cable or do I need to get a midi control switcher like the voodoo labs or amp gizmo? If someone could shed light on this I'd appreciate it. From Ola's statement here starting at 2:29 it can be done but I can't figure it out.

Does the AX8 have relays in the pedal inputs? I'd like to be able to channel switch my head which uses a standard 1/4 mono cable or do I need to get a midi control switcher like the voodoo labs or amp gizmo? If someone could shed light on this I'd appreciate it. From Ola's statement here starting at 2:29 it can be done but I can't figure it out.


I watched that and asked the same question; it was not answered but I think Ola was incorrect and that MIDI switching is needed in order to get the AX8 to switch amp functions.
i think I figure out a way to do what you want :
go 4CM
Guitare into Ax8
amp pre's in fx loop
on the output side.
put a stereo cab.
Left side with your favorite cab IR
Right side with a Flat IR. send right to your amp FX return

that should do the trick.
unaffected signal to amp and Cab IR to FOH
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