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5 months and not a single update?

SansAmp Bass Driver is a tone drive pedal for sure. Not an amp.

I took a minute to look it up. It looks to me like part amp simulator and part di that can be blended along with other tone controls and drive or something like that....

"Much more than just a direct box, the SansAmp Bass Driver DI is capable of dialing up big vintage tube tones, bright modern slap sounds, gnarly distortions, and all in between. Three different outputs to drive power amps, recording desks, PA mixers, or simply enhance your current rig. Controls include Presence for definition and upper harmonic content; Blend to combine the proportion of direct signal and SansAmp circuitry; and active EQ specifically tuned for bass with 12dB of cut or boost."

I thought SansAmp circuitry meant analog amp model like the other Sansamp devices. Or "tube amp simulation circuitry" might be their language:

"For studio and live applications, SansAmp Bass Driver DI is engineered with three outputs: an effected XLR, and effected 1/4", and a parallel, uneffected 1/4". The footswitch activates the Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry. Disengaging the circuitry enables you to use SansAmp Bass Driver DI as a standard active transparent direct box."

"BLEND allows you to mix the direct bass signal with SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry (which is particularly useful for basses equipped with piezo pickups)."
I took a minute to look it up. It looks to me like part amp simulator and part di that can be blended along with other tone controls and drive or something like that....

"Much more than just a direct box, the SansAmp Bass Driver DI is capable of dialing up big vintage tube tones, bright modern slap sounds, gnarly distortions, and all in between. Three different outputs to drive power amps, recording desks, PA mixers, or simply enhance your current rig. Controls include Presence for definition and upper harmonic content; Blend to combine the proportion of direct signal and SansAmp circuitry; and active EQ specifically tuned for bass with 12dB of cut or boost."

I thought SansAmp circuitry meant analog amp model like the other Sansamp devices. Or "tube amp simulation circuitry" might be their language:

"For studio and live applications, SansAmp Bass Driver DI is engineered with three outputs: an effected XLR, and effected 1/4", and a parallel, uneffected 1/4". The footswitch activates the Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry. Disengaging the circuitry enables you to use SansAmp Bass Driver DI as a standard active transparent direct box."

"BLEND allows you to mix the direct bass signal with SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry (which is particularly useful for basses equipped with piezo pickups)."

Yup. One right in front of me :) Can confirm, pedal! :) You could skip the DI feature and other hard to do features, and just implement the pedal part. It's a beast on bass, like an instant tone improvement. Really a great pedal for bass. My bass player loves his.
This is totally my opinion here and it may be splitting hairs to some degree, but I feel that FAS has always been dedicated to capturing/modeling/preserving amps, mostly tube guitar amps, and not interested in modeling pedals for the most part. It could explain why we haven't really seen any specific delay pedals or reverbs etc in the past. I think Drive pedals lend themselves to modeling specific types, but then the Wah types were some of the first specific "models" we saw, then some more specific Drive pedals, now some recent Delay types. It seems like it's happening more and more, but the focus remains amps, not "pedals."

Just how it appears to me. Not making any statements of fact, YMMV, IMHO, and all the other letters I can type so I don't get attacked for sharing an opinion :)
Yup. One right in front of me :) Can confirm, pedal! :) You could skip the DI feature and other hard to do features, and just implement the pedal part. It's a beast on bass, like an instant tone improvement. Really a great pedal for bass. My bass player loves his.

Yes, it's in a pedal format. So are the other Sansamp devices (except for that rack unit they put out some years back). The AX8 is a pedal too that does amp models. So.... ;-)

The Bassdriver seems to be part amp modeler and part "pedal" with the ability to blend the two. The FAS products include some bass amps like the SVT mentioned on the Tech21 site description of the BassDrive. Apparently they don't include some portions of the Sansamp bass pedal. They don't include a Klon either. :)

In my opinion (YMMV, IMNSHO etc....), buy the device for what it can do, not what you hope it will do in the future. Especially one that's been on the market this long and Chris sets forth the history of what has been modeled. If you like it enough the way it is to buy it, ask for an addition via a wishlist and maybe they'll grant your wish and maybe they won't. And if what you wish is a small inexpensive pedal, just buy the dang pedal and use it with the FAS product or alone. That's certainly an option.
I personally don't care, just a popular pedal for bassists. Nearly on every pro bass rig I ever hear about. Absolutely just keeping the real pedal is totally a valid and reasonable option as well.
This is totally my opinion here and it may be splitting hairs to some degree, but I feel that FAS has always been dedicated to capturing/modeling/preserving amps, mostly tube guitar amps, and not interested in modeling pedals for the most part. It could explain why we haven't really seen any specific delay pedals or reverbs etc in the past. I think Drive pedals lend themselves to modeling specific types, but then the Wah types were some of the first specific "models" we saw, then some more specific Drive pedals, now some recent Delay types. It seems like it's happening more and more, but the focus remains amps, not "pedals."

Just how it appears to me. Not making any statements of fact, YMMV, IMHO, and all the other letters I can type so I don't get attacked for sharing an opinion :)

I agree, this is absolutely how it seems, and make perfect sense for a product like the Axe Fx II which then seems to be mostly about creating the best amp modelling on the planet, and you also get really great effects on the side. But with most of the effects being generic, you have to understand a lot more about the inner workings of say a flanger to be able to recreate a specific flanger sound compared to that you can just select whatever amp model and it sounds like that specific amp model. So now with the FX8, with no amp models, I would expect that the same dedication to specific amp models be extended to effects. The new delay models in the latest Quantum firmware sound great to me, and are a more specific type. So I hope that this work continues with all the blocks from now on so we get more and more specific models.
Mr. Chase posted that the FX8 will not be updated with the same frequency as the rest of the line, so I don't expect to see many new specific effect models. Those two new specific delay models were created by a user and released by Fractal, so there are some who know how to do this. Simeon has done some cool work in this regard as well. Hopefully more users can do similar work.

I would love to get my hands on that sdk.
Mr. Chase posted that the FX8 will not be updated with the same frequency as the rest of the line, so I don't expect to see many new specific effect models. Those two new specific delay models were created by a user and released by Fractal, so there are some who know how to do this. Simeon has done some cool work in this regard as well. Hopefully more users can do similar work.

Which delay models and who created them?
DavidE said:
Mr. Chase posted that the FX8 will not be updated with the same frequency as the rest of the line, so I don't expect to see many new specific effect models. Those two new specific delay models were created by a user and released by Fractal, so there are some who know how to do this. Simeon has done some cool work in this regard as well. Hopefully more users can do similar work.
Since the FX8 contains the same blocks as the other FAS products they will receive the same updates. They will need to if only for compatibility's sake. But as we all know, most updates concern themselves with the amp block. Those are not necessary for the FX8. That's all th difference I believe Cliff intended with his remark.

Rest easy that all improvements pertaining to blocks inside the FX8 will find their way. In the mean time, Rome wasn't built in a day.
No updates every day is one of the reasons I bought FX8 after FX2 and FX2XL. Now I play more and watch the Mac monitor less. :D
I totally get this and agree to a point. Again simple user updates would be fine for me. Coming from Axe FX II and MFC1010 where I could switch patches and IA all within same page/bank....I was surprised this wasn't given as a choice. Is what is....panties not in wad....just spit-ballin!
This is totally my opinion here and it may be splitting hairs to some degree, but I feel that FAS has always been dedicated to capturing/modeling/preserving amps, mostly tube guitar amps, and not interested in modeling pedals for the most part. It could explain why we haven't really seen any specific delay pedals or reverbs etc in the past. I think Drive pedals lend themselves to modeling specific types, but then the Wah types were some of the first specific "models" we saw, then some more specific Drive pedals, now some recent Delay types. It seems like it's happening more and more, but the focus remains amps, not "pedals."

Just how it appears to me. Not making any statements of fact, YMMV, IMHO, and all the other letters I can type so I don't get attacked for sharing an opinion :)

well... I personally hope that this DOES change to a degree as I'd love more cloned pedals personally - and the FX8 does have a "stompbox mode" and all that one might infer from that. ;)
Chris hit the nail on the head. Effects get updates from time to time. Not nearly as often as amps and the whole "types" thing is also very sparse. Cliff added a ton of reverbs recently to the point that there is now a FAS reverb plug in. Even with all that there is still no Big Sky and Deep space type reverb and I am willing to be large sums of money that there won't be. Cliff has stated that the architecture of how those pedals implement those "presets" ie shimmer is counter to how FAS does things. The Axe can get those sounds but it is truly not a reverb but rather a reverb plus pitch and delay on it for example. I could see FAS maybe doing an El Cap "type tape delay though since it doesn't contain "presets"

The addition of the new delay's def make it seem like FAS will be dipping their hand into fx more but that probably only happens when those hand are not elbow deep in other things AE finishing AX8, making as many common things as possible for the FW so the FX8 can get a 4x12 grid and the ability to do 4 scenes and 4 ia so Tremonti can buy it again.
This is totally my opinion here and it may be splitting hairs to some degree, but I feel that FAS has always been dedicated to capturing/modeling/preserving amps, mostly tube guitar amps, and not interested in modeling pedals for the most part. It could explain why we haven't really seen any specific delay pedals or reverbs etc in the past. I think Drive pedals lend themselves to modeling specific types, but then the Wah types were some of the first specific "models" we saw, then some more specific Drive pedals, now some recent Delay types. It seems like it's happening more and more, but the focus remains amps, not "pedals."

Just how it appears to me. Not making any statements of fact, YMMV, IMHO, and all the other letters I can type so I don't get attacked for sharing an opinion :)

For better or worse, I, and according to some threads, some others as well, felt that by creating a product that only does effects, FAS was showing a new emphasis on the effects side of things. Regardless if that is warranted or not, I and others felt that by creating a pedal that only does effects, FAS was entering the effects game with the same attention to updates and modelling specific analog units as they do to amp models. Rightly or wrongly, it is human nature and I see that I am not the only one. So I did expect that FAS would try to conquer the Revolution effects pedal or Timeline delays the same they did with the Kemper and so on. With the Axe, as with the Kemper, the effects are a great bonus to powerful amp sims. The intention behind buying an Axe was not the effects but the Amp sims, hence it made sense that they received the focus. By creating an effects only unit, it made sense to some of us that now FAS would also give that kind of attention to effects, since they now have a box that is sold only for its effects. If Kemper came out with an effects unit, I would expect they would put more attention to there effects than they had when it was just a bonus to their amp modelling.

If Chick Fil A introduced a burger on it's menu, you better believe people would expect that they now show considerable attention toward beef, and anyone countering by saying that, well, they've never showed attention to beef products before, well, that was before they had a burger on the menu. FAS updated amp sims constantly because they weren't selling an effects only device previously.

Furthermore, people may be frustrated that Axe has gotten new effects months before we have when we are the ones who bought the product that was supposed to be all about effects. Obviously we are the ones who care about new delays more than amp sims yet the new delays went to the people who bought the amp sims.

So it's all good, we are getting the attention now and are thankful new firmware is on the horizon.

I am glad some members voice their frustration that we did not get firmware promised for months ago as it affected some people's buying or keeping decisions. If it didn't effect your decision, great (not you Chris).. but don't be snide toward those that did, let them air their concerns. FAS as a company is and has to be above dealing with decisions emotionally (as in, how dare they complain about firmware! I will now hold back on the release of the firmware another month just to show them whose boss!!) No. FAS is a business and they have to none emotionally pay attention to concerns of users, regardless of how artfully those concerns are put forward. Why? Because there will always be people who haven't bought the unit yet who have the same concerns, and past users may also base future purchases on this information. For instance, many MPC users refuse to buy a new AKAI MPC because of their failed history of product support. On the reverse, I bought my FX8 with the proven track record of Axe FX updates in mind.

And if a user reading this didn't, great, I'm happy for you, but that doesn't make your stance any better or more justified than ours, and we make a good bit of FAS's business just as you do, so the snide fanboyism should just stop. We paid money just like you did, and their is enough of us to where we have provided a good bit of money into FAS's success, just like you did. So if you don't share our concerns, cool, just move on.

If we didn't show concern, any business, not just FAS, would be justified in thinking that we don't need anything more, and they would spend their time in development in those areas where people are showing concern. We're lucky that they actually do....... scratch that.. the first FAS owners were lucky, then when others such as myself heard that this was their business practice we showed our appreciation with dollars.

Heck, I was considering a Heliix before getting the FX8. You know why I didn't? Because no matter how the Helix compared to FAS initially, I knew that Line 6 does not have a track record of updates that would make the product better. Thus, unless it was perfect from the get go, their was slim chance it would be improved. With the FX8 or with the Axe, I knew that even if not every effect or functionality, hit like I wanted (or had certain bugs) that it would constantly be improved. Shoot, the Helix is sexy, if Line6 had a history of updates like FAS I would have bought that!
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I would also chirp in and say that updates with new features and functionality was also a pretty big chunk of why I chose the FX8... obviously if they said from the outset, "no more functionality will ever be added" I would have still considered it, but... I'm not sure if I would have bought it... I am glad I did, and it's amazing as is, but... I do wish it was made clear somehow that it was not going to be updated in the same manner as the axe... because I would have liked to make a more informed decision...

I am FAR from regretting my purchase and indeed love my FX8, but... I'd love it even more if it was updated the same way as the other FAS products have been.
Very good post Audiounity!

The fx8 is great but with a few tweaks it will be even more practical to use live. I know there are no promises but having seen the number of updates the axefx gets I had also assumed that the effects side of things would get regular updates. Now that there are no more new product on the immediate horizon maybe the fx8 will start getting regular tweaks to the way it operates and the number and quality of the effects.
Regardless if that is warranted or not, I and others felt that by creating a pedal that only does effects, FAS was entering the effects game with the same attention to updates and modelling specific analog units as they do to amp models.
And they still might. There are limited resources and we know updates for the FX8 are in the works. The recent Delay types and FAS Reverb are good indications - in addition to the FX8 - that they want to.

And I just want to reiterate that, for me personally, I see no issue with anyone critiquing or asking questions. "Hey guys, is the FX8 still going to be updated?" "My MFC can do Scenes and Presets on one layer of buttons, i wish the FX8 was able to do that" "I'd like to access the tuner while in Preset/Bank select."

Maybe it's semantics, but those statements are much easier to work with than complaints.
And they still might. There are limited resources and we know updates for the FX8 are in the works. The recent Delay types and FAS Reverb are good indications - in addition to the FX8 - that they want to.

And I just want to reiterate that, for me personally, I see no issue with anyone critiquing or asking questions. "Hey guys, is the FX8 still going to be updated?" "My MFC can do Scenes and Presets on one layer of buttons, i wish the FX8 was able to do that" "I'd like to access the tuner while in Preset/Bank select."

Maybe it's semantics, but those statements are much easier to work with than complaints.

I do think we all need to be extra lenient when on the internet... I try my absolute damnedest to always be polite and jokey and helpful and not overly dramatic, but even when I deliberately try, people - more than one - think I'm being negative or aggressive or demanding or just a dick... which is never my goal... I am sure I'm not the only one misunderstood either... so I TRY and always assume people are decent... a lot of the "complaints" I see online just seem like people talking in a casual way and others reading into it... so if we all try our best to assume people are just being casual and not being mean, or a jerk or attacking we'll probably get further than two pages into threads without a fight breaking out! :D ;)
What TRTTRTTRT said.

When things blow up on a forum (or anywhere else in life), it's usually because one or more of the participants failed to check their own emotions at the door. Someone takes offense and lashes out in defense. Other people see the slap-fest, and they start choosing sides, falsely believing that "hater" and "fanboy" are the only options.
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