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Hemorrhage by Fuel

I have the tab from Guitar World and all it says is "fast modulation". I would try a Leslie-type (Rotary Speaker) sound first.
Without doing a Google search, I want to say that he used a Hughes & Kettner Rotosphere...at least live, anyway.
I use to play this song in a band using my Axe Fx and I think I used tremolo or roto. Maybe both.
I know it's off topic, but I thought I'd share anyway.

I won tickets from a local radio station many years ago to a Fuel show that included a soundcheck/meet-and-greet before the show. My best friend and I were standing on the stage waiting our turn when Carl Bell walked over, put out his hand, and said, "Hi. I'm Carl Bell." He was very down to earth and a great guy to talk to. I'll never forget him walking over and introducing himself to us.

Brett Scallions was quiet/reserved during the meet-and-greet and totally not what I had expected for a frontman.

All of the guys were very nice and took their time to talk to us, sign things, etc. and it was topped off with a great show.
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