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Axe-Fx II Firmware 19.00 Released

Although, I do have to sayif in I were Fractal I'd be doing it semi-annually, or perhaps quarterly. Not to cut down on the quantity/quality of the improvements, but to give people a breather. Do an update and live with it for a while. Don't get me wrong - I love improvements as much as anybody and am ecstatic when I see them - but I can't help but wonder every time I look at the machine whether it's doing all it can do. As things stand, you have to think it's not. Clearly....

It's just spooky to find out that revision eleventy bajillion point 3 is out wham truly grateful and thankful for all the incredible work the Fractal team puts into making their products the envy of the industry, and I understand why Cliff wants to pump out innovations asap. It's gotta be exciting for him. All rants aside, I'd probably do the same thing given his talents and resources. Not to take anything away from anybody as there are a lotsa fun toys out there, but nothing comes anywhere close to a Fractal product. You tell anybody you're geared up with an Axe Fx and an Atomic CLR or two, and it's an argument stopper. It's pretty much at the point now that no matter what anybody has or does, you can do at least as good and usually better. What could possibly be wrong with that?

I feel for people who have big work loads and duties who can't keep up; but I feel so, so, so fortunate to have the new G3 drives. I honestly think Cliff is prudent with the update schedule. After all, the majority of us are artists at heart, and we preciate the creative enthusiasm as much as we share in it. Good work Fractal.
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With all the raves.. it must be something on my end. I was on 18.04 and loved the tones. I updated to 19 over the weekend and suddenly everything sounded extremely thin and harsh. A serious mega step backward. I went through the amps and cabs, etc. and everything looked ok. Tweaking the blocks didn't help it. Anyone else have this happen and if so what was the cure?
I had to go back to 18.04 just to get my daily tone fix.

I had this experience also. I checked/reset global settings, and tried re downloading and re installing. I only had a few presets, but they all had a drive pedal of some sort. They all changed dramatically and i couldn't get them in the ball park with basic adjustments on the amps or drive pedals. I got 18.8 loaded back on there but how do I get Axe Edit back?

I cant load presets because this axe edit isn't backward compatible?
I cant load presets because this axe edit isn't backward compatible?
If you can't load presets, it's probably because you're trying to load presets that were saved using firmware that's newer than the firmware you're running.
no i just meant that I cannot use axe edit to load presets. I went back to fw18.12 and i have all my old presets in the unit, I just cannot open axe edit now because it requires fw 19.
I just updated to firmware 19. It sounds and feels really good so far. I'll be trying it out with the band tomorrow.
no i just meant that I cannot use axe edit to load presets. I went back to fw18.12 and i have all my old presets in the unit, I just cannot open axe edit now because it requires fw 19.

AlGrenadine has a Web site that includes just about every version of Axe-Edit that ever was. Our do what i do: keep the Axe-Edit downloads after you install them. Then you can roll back to whatever version you want.
Firmware updates for the Axe Fx are always so satisfying. They're easy, fast and good. Never been disappointed. Although, I do have to say that I rarely modify my presets, as they're usually pretty good right out of the box, so I don't have some of the hardships some seem to experience. I imagine if I tweaked things a lot, I could get as pissed as some do. I'd be sitting back saying "dammit! Another free improvement that makes everything sound better! Now I gotta tweak some parameters again! I wish I was dead!"

Although, I will say that as much as I anticipate and enjoy update Friday, I think if I were Fractal I'd be doing it semi-annually, or perhaps quarterly. Not to cut down on the quantity/quality of the improvements, but to give people a breather. Do an update and live with it for a while. Don't get me wrong - I love improvements as much as anybody and am ecstatic when I see them - but I can't help but wonder every time I look at the machine whether it's doing all it can do. As things stand, you have to think it's not. Clearly, it's not, or we wouldn't see such non-stop development.

It's just spooky to find out that revision eleventy bajillion point 3 is out when you're on revision 6.1. What did I miss? Then you read the release notes and find out that revision eleventy bajillion six point 4 includes plans for taking over the world. Dammit! I could have been rich and famous!

All that said, I don't mean to complain. I am truly grateful and thankful for all the incredible work the Fractal team puts into making their products the envy of the industry, and I understand why Cliff wants to pump out innovations asap. It's gotta be exciting for him. All rants aside, I'd probably do the same thing given his talents and resources. Not to take anything away from anybody as there are a lotsa fun toys out there, but nothing comes anywhere close to a Fractal product. You tell anybody you're geared up with an Axe Fx and an Atomic CLR or two, and it's an argument stopper. It's pretty much at the point now that no matter what anybody has or does, you can do at least as good and usually better. What could possibly be wrong with that?

I appreciate having the 'freedom to choose' whether I update or not. Thanks so much Cliff for allowing us to choose as I have greatly enjoyed feeling like I'm in on every leap forward of the development of your revolutionary device.
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no i just meant that I cannot use axe edit to load presets. I went back to fw18.12 and i have all my old presets in the unit, I just cannot open axe edit now because it requires fw 19.
I rename axe edit when I download it with the same number as the firmware it goes with.

I also keep all my downloads.

I also backup everything before changing firmwares. I don't like to call it updates. I prefer version.

So for fw 17 and all its .02 .04 .06 etc i have them all in a folder called 17 along with axe edit, fractal bot, backups, and a note file with anything relevant to that version and setup. Makes things much easier if you ever go back.... which I do frequently.
I rename axe edit when I download it with the same number as the firmware it goes with.

I also keep all my downloads.

I also backup everything before changing firmwares. I don't like to call it updates. I prefer version.

So for fw 17 and all its .02 .04 .06 etc i have them all in a folder called 17 along with axe edit, fractal bot, backups, and a note file with anything relevant to that version and setup. Makes things much easier if you ever go back.... which I do frequently.

Yep, thanks

I started a folder today to do just this.
AlGrenadine has a Web site that includes just about every version of Axe-Edit that ever was. Our do what i do: keep the Axe-Edit downloads after you install them. Then you can roll back to whatever version you want.

Yeah. I never understood why people delete it at all. It's not like it's filling you hard drive, because it's such a big program.
I think i have all versions of it on my Mac, even if i did not start to use it until the good version came out... (1.9 or was it 3.0?)
I backup my system, presets and squirrel away the matching AxeEdit installer and the firmware .syx into a folder. E.g. 17 backups has everything to reload 17, the firmware, AxeEdit installer, and my version 17 presets.
I backup my system, presets and squirrel away the matching AxeEdit installer and the firmware .syx into a folder. E.g. 17 backups has everything to reload 17, the firmware, AxeEdit installer, and my version 17 presets.

I backup everything, but, honestly, I've never rolled back a FW update, ever.

Didn't with the Ultra either. I still have a 'frozen' version of the old AE for the Ultra on the laptop I connect to it for editing but that's sort of like an end point; like its last FW.
Cool. Who would have thought the axe-II, would be at fw 19 now, 5 years ago?
Still eagerly saving for one, my dream is to get one of these, eventually. Have Fun!
I've thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my ~ 1-year Axe-FX journey so far, but FW19 has definitely upped the ante! Cliff and Co. seem to have created not just improved components, but exponentially better interaction of those components. The tone is just WOW!

I was a tube purist until last summer, and one of my tube purist friends just asked me a few days ago what I was missing most from a "real" tube amp. My honest answer was "absolutely nothing". I can create the sound in my head and make way less compromises in Fractaldom vs. with any high-end tube amp that I've owned.

Thank you Fractal Team!
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