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The Drive block is being "G3'd" for the next firmware release

I hope this update will include a sort of MIMIC too. It would be great to have the basic controls that behave like the ones on the real pedal, plus the advanced parameters to fine tune.
I think that this is the reason why it's now difficult to make the drive block sound similar to the relative stompboxes
Cool. I like the AxeFX's drives, but I've got a couple of OD pedals I love to use over any drive block the AxeFX comes with. I'm glad to see the drive blocks getting an upgrade.
it's nice to see drives getting love. I dont rely on them a ton, but I do use them in front of high gainers, they always seem to glue the tone together even when dialed in at about 20%
I don't know if Thank You's get very far these days but Steve Vai said it best in his first artist quote "The axe-fx is like christmas every day." A great huge box of tools and toys to make playing guitar that much better. Thanks for updating the drives!
I also think the drives getting G3's is awesome however maybe I am in the minority here but I have no issues with the current iteration.
Let's enjoy the fact that the drives are being perfected. That's what this thread is about.
There's a Wishlist section for other stuff. ;-)

Yes, there's a wish list for other stuff, but it is also true that a better Whammy/Drop pitch was required hundreds of times.
But don't worry, I can wait, nothing problem...For now I'm enjoying my Whammy 5. When will there be a new Fractal Whammy, it will be welcome.
Got Klon?

:lol (I personally don't care, I'm just kind of surprised the superfans haven't seen this thread yet.)

I thought G3 was the tube modeling algorithms. I didn't realize it could be used for drives as well, other than the tube drives obviously. I can't wait till the poltergeist pig preset is fully G3, end to end.
I'm super excited about this! I wish I could send in my Nobels ODR1, Timmy, and Rockett Archer to be added to the list! Then I could sell them and go full on Fractal.
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