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..SuperTweed Love


Just want to "shout" out at this amp, as possible the best amp tone I have ever heard, fairly low gain setting (gain dialed in around 11oclock) just sings the choir of angels!.

Sure I understand its not everyone's cup of tea!. but Its my Tea, coffee & breakfast!..

That is all.!

EDIT: Forgot to mention the SpringVerb (medium) before the cabblock, and Im not allowed to comment on what IR I use :)
I second the STweed. I just discovered it recently myself. It has replaced the Brit800 for now. I'm using one of the TAF 212 room mix IRs and it is just great. Not much info on it. I think it's a FAS creation described as a 'Tweed on steroids' IIRC.
The fact you called out the Supertweed makes me all the more want your IR package Andy. I love that model.

Great ears think alike? ;)
The SuperTweed is my overall favorite model as well. It was my go-to classic Zep model in the Ultra (used to make the clip below). Even with all of the vast improvements in the II, the SuperTweed is still probably my overall favorite. It screams classic rock with every note. I used too much gain in the clip. It sounds even better dialed back a hair. I don't know if it was based on an actual amp or not. It knocks my dick right INTO my hand (if you get the reference...if not...please disregard).

P.S. I agree with a post above. If you like this amp so much, your IR pack is worth a try.

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what cab are you using here with the SuperTweed? that sounds so spot on .......................it's criminal

The SuperTweed is my overall favorite model as well. It was my go-to classic Zep model in the Ultra (used to make the clip below). Even with all of the vast improvements in the II, the SuperTweed is still probably my overall favorite. It screams classic rock with every note. I used too much gain in the clip. It sounds even better dialed back a hair. I don't know if it was based on an actual amp or not. It knocks my dick right INTO my hand (if you get the reference...if not...please disregard).

P.S. I agree with a post above. If you like this amp so much, your IR pack is worth a try.

I don't want to hijack the thread. I'll PM you when I look it up. I just want to spread SuperTweed love. Anyone who hasn't given it a spin....should give it a spin.
The SuperTweed is my overall favorite model as well. It was my go-to classic Zep model in the Ultra (used to make the clip below). Even with all of the vast improvements in the II, the SuperTweed is still probably my overall favorite. It screams classic rock with every note. I used too much gain in the clip. It sounds even better dialed back a hair. I don't know if it was based on an actual amp or not. It knocks my dick right INTO my hand (if you get the reference...if not...please disregard).

P.S. I agree with a post above. If you like this amp so much, your IR pack is worth a try.

Dick knocked... I was supposed to record some tracks tomorrow... but... I must try that amp out.
SuperTweed Love

The SuperTweed is my overall favorite model as well. It was my go-to classic Zep model in the Ultra (used to make the clip below). Even with all of the vast improvements in the II, the SuperTweed is still probably my overall favorite. It screams classic rock with every note. I used too much gain in the clip. It sounds even better dialed back a hair. I don't know if it was based on an actual amp or not. It knocks my dick right INTO my hand (if you get the reference...if not...please disregard).

P.S. I agree with a post above. If you like this amp so much, your IR pack is worth a try.

Wow! If that's you and not Jimmy Page I'm blown away! And it sounds even better (more full) than the original. Congratulations on your skills and your ears! Thanks for turning me on to what that amp is capable of, I had no idea.
Love this amp! I set the Master and the Input Drive both to around 11 o'clock, add a touch of bass, mid and treble to goose the eq and notes just jump. It LOVES the Bare Knuckle Crawler's I have in one of my guitars.
The SuperTweed is my overall favorite model as well. It was my go-to classic Zep model in the Ultra (used to make the clip below). Even with all of the vast improvements in the II, the SuperTweed is still probably my overall favorite. It screams classic rock with every note. I used too much gain in the clip. It sounds even better dialed back a hair. I don't know if it was based on an actual amp or not. It knocks my dick right INTO my hand (if you get the reference...if not...please disregard).

P.S. I agree with a post above. If you like this amp so much, your IR pack is worth a try.

Holy crap...you have my attention... :shock

Just smokin' Steady, nice playing and killer tone man.
Wow! If that's you and not Jimmy Page I'm blown away! And it sounds even better (more full) than the original. Congratulations on your skills and your ears!
steadystate has a real knack for nailing tones and performances. He even copped Mr. Page's wonky sense of rhythm.
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