Wish "What's Changed" indicator for FM Edit


I will often mess around with deep settings after watching a youtuber, like what I hear, and save. Or sometimes I'll be prepping for rehearsal/gig and will make some ham-fisted last-minute change to fix some annoyance in my tone.

Trouble is that I often forget what I've changed after a few days, which makes it tough if I want to go back and tinker some more (and I'll be damned if I write anything in a notebook like an educated person would).

It would be great if there was a preference setting to "show what's changed from default" for every page and parameter of every block. Something simple like a small icon, with maybe a hover-over showing the default parameter, would be a huge help as I work my way toward learning the product.
Keep wishing. Sometimes when there are multiple (non spammed) requests it’s gets things done. I think this is a great request.
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