Thanks for the inspiration YEK! (track with yek's presets)


couple days ago i downloaded the yek's preset collection and started trying them one by one and yay there are really cool and inspirational presets there. and when i hit the preset number 61 i instantly fell in love with it and again instantly made this song in that night.
im not a ballad kind of a guy and its my first ballad track so it was a new adventure for me :) note that i recorded the track only with yek's presets exept the solo which is my beloved marshall silver model
so thank you very much for the inspiration yek :) i really enjoyed your presets as you can see.
please tell me what you think about it guys :)

Haha, thank you, awesome!

PS Its hypnotizing...
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I haven't got any recorded proof .., but I'll chime in with another +1,000 for yek's work ....

Try as I might ..., I'm not able to dial the BE to sound sound anywhere near as good as he has ( and it's not for lack of trying mind you .... ) :mad:

So, I've given up :D and I just use his AMP & ( stock ) CAB combination w/ the effects that I prefer as my go-to preset ....

Although I should also mention that I've not been able to improve on his Phaser/Vibe combination either ! ;)
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