Slight delay when switching from Hi gain to clean and vice versa


Fractal Fanatic
I've noticed a slight audio drop out when switching between my hi gain and clean sounds. I'm using Scenes and Scene 1 is my rhythm and Scene 3 is my clean. X is my hi gain amp 5153 blue channel and my Y is my clean 5153 green channel. Never noticed this with my Axe-Fx and will check it tonight. Any work around to this? Very annoying to an otherwise stellar unit.
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There is an audio drop out, whenever you switch amp X/Y - It is also there on the AxeFX, but it i less (and you have the option of dual amp blocks that eliminates the drop out)
There is an audio drop out, whenever you switch amp X/Y - It is also there on the AxeFX, but it i less (and you have the option of dual amp blocks that eliminates the drop out)
I worded my post wrong. It is a noticeable audio drop out.
It is not broken in that it needs to be fixed. Cliff has explained that there is so much happening at the same time that without the audio drop it it would sound crazy /weird/ strange/ worse then no audio. It might be the way I switch or the band setting but the audio drops never bothered me on the Axe while others always complained about it
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