Searching for amp sample sounds...maybe this will help


greeting to all here.
best site around for,undoubtedly,the best guitar device around.
have been reading here for quite a my standard in June.cant stop working with it.I can create patches for any sound I have in my is addictive.
Have had only one tube amp in all my years a blackface twin,which I bought new.(hint to age: look at my signature...if you dont recognize it you should get an idea.if you do recognize it then you know it).
I'm sure some of you must know of this site that I list. ... eAmps.html
if not, then,give it a listen.many of the amps listed are found within that precious little 2U device.
maybe this will help some people who are looking for some stock or dry(er)sounds to help with their "journey" into the Axedom...sorry Scott stole your word.
you can absolutely nail these sounds with the AXE.
Not having owned any of these but the twin,this gave me another frame of reference.
maybe someone will find this helpful. to admin., maybe this belongs elsewhere ...sorry.
Welcome to the board !

And yes, that site is good for samples if you don't know in which ballpark an amp is. There was a topic and a link to that site on the old forum....good to have it back (I think I've got it bookmarked somewhere) ... should be a link in the wiki as well...
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