Wish Scene view in blocks window

I'm constantly having to refer to the scene manager to figure out if there is an unused channel in my block. And even the scene manager only shows 4 blocks at a time, so I'm constantly using the dropdown to view a different block.

It would be super helpful to have a scene view in the block window. It could show the scenes laid out in two rows of 4, like in the header, but instead of the numbers 1-8, each box would show which channel of the current block was used for that scene. If the block is muted in that scene, it would be greyed out. That way I could quickly pick an unused channel for my new scene. If there's not room for a display, maybe at least a popup or something? I wouldn't mind losing the huge (and lovely) block icon, in exchange for some more useful information ;) Or, since I rarely dare to change the channel without consulting the scene menu anyway, maybe the channel select area could be smaller... or the scene view in the block could consist of buttons that open a set of popups to allow changing the block's channel in any scene. That way, if I happen to know I can change the channel of the block in one scene without issue, to free up a channel for my new scene, I can do it all from the block window.

Thanks as always for making this incredible piece of kit!
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