New experience today

Dave Merrill

I had a little while to play this morning, wanting to ventilate brain after working more than I should have on a weekend (should be zero), second day in a row.

A novel thing happened. I didn't want to change anything in the preset I've been evolving for a while. (Not in the basic tones anyway; I tinkered a tiny bit with a delay).

8 scenes of Mark, Brilliant, and 6160, same DynaCab for all. I like it.

I have fun making tones, but it's still cool to arrive at something kind of stable, maybe. It's a bit of a weird set of amps for me too; the only one of those I'd typically do is a Vox of some sort.

Interesting development.
Are you finding that a Dynacab seems to pair better with multiple amp models (less in the way of perceived mismatch)?
Are you finding that a Dynacab seems to pair better with multiple amp models (less in the way of perceived mismatch)?
If I had my act together I could give you a well reasoned, evidence-based answer to that. Sorry, wrong number, sadly.

I landed on this cab setup a while ago, and for better or worse, I've been using it a lot. It might have started out as a @Burgs joint maybe, not sure, but definitely tweaked from wherever it started. It's completely possible I've just gotten used to it, more than that it's some golden nugget.

Another thing is that I've got both tone controls rolled down on my Collings, for some reason. (That's almost all I've been playing.) Generally I do things for Reasons, like roll bridge down so it sounds good on the same planet as neck, but here I just followed my nose. Logically, I should turn neck tone back up and adjust the preset to that, but apparently I'm happy, so why?

If I was gigging, I'd want a more solid recipe I could leave and come back to, but for now I just leave them where they are. I know roughly what they're set to, but the color of the knobs, their numbers, and my studio walls makes them hard to see or use for navigation.

I should post the preset, see if it's useful for anyone else, or if folks have ideas for improvements. Most of my presets are based on this relatively kitchen sink block layout, just with different amps, cabs, and drives, maybe effect tweaks. I haven't even set up the drives in this one, maybe some day.

I'll include my FC layouts too, they work well for presets organized like this.
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Best part is arriving at a great preset tone. Worst part is not recalling how I got there. 🤦‍♂️ BUT, if I stopped to document everything along the way, I'd lose the creativity I'm invoking so I trust I can do it again. The never ending pursuit of FUN!
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