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Bug? Moving presets in Axe Manage presets...


When i am in Axe-Edit using "Axe manage presets" and i click and drag a preset to move it to a new position, and then save it, it lets out this high pitched tone about 10khz and doesn’t go away until i turn off the unit and reboot it. It will affect all my patches until i reboot the machine. I have tried it many times on different patches with the same results.
When i am in Axe-Edit using "Axe manage presets" and i click and drag a preset to move it to a new position, and then save it, it lets out this high pitched tone about 10khz and doesn’t go away until i turn off the unit and reboot it. It will affect all my patches until i reboot the machine. I have tried it many times on different patches with the same results.
this freeze and squeal will happen usually if you are doing things too fast. when you see the Communication Bar on the bottom of the window, don't click or do anything else. let it finish.

it shouldn't happen if you move slowly.
Nope... nothing was too fast... It just happens every time i do it. It doesn't happen until i press the save button. Once i do it squeals and doesn't stop.
Have you tried a different (new if possible) USB cable, and maybe a different USB port on your computer (or even another computer if you can)? I only mention this, as the other day I had a communication timeout between the AxeFx and Fractal-Bot (I was using a USB port I know to have issues, so it does not surprise me that this happened) and I heard a high pitched squealing coming from the AxeFx similar to what you are describing. If changing up the USB doesn't improve it, I'd put in a ticket at support.fractalaudio.com. Doesn't seem like a bug to me as it's not reproducible for others, but it might be a hardware issue, generally easier to rule out the cable or computer first.
I have experienced this, but very seldom.

If it happens often to you, open a support ticket, because your information might be valuable to solve the issue.
Have you tried a different (new if possible) USB cable, and maybe a different USB port on your computer (or even another computer if you can)? I only mention this, as the other day I had a communication timeout between the AxeFx and Fractal-Bot (I was using a USB port I know to have issues, so it does not surprise me that this happened) and I heard a high pitched squealing coming from the AxeFx similar to what you are describing. If changing up the USB doesn't improve it, I'd put in a ticket at support.fractalaudio.com. Doesn't seem like a bug to me as it's not reproducible for others, but it might be a hardware issue, generally easier to rule out the cable or computer first.
I will try this when i get home… It is odd because i can do any other function in Axe Edit manage presets and manage cabs without any problems. Just moving a file doe sit every time…
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