Matrix gt800fx with Mesa 212...Safe?


First, apologies if this has been discussed previously...I couldn't find much on the topic...

I'm looking at getting a Matrix gt800fx to pair with my my new AxeFX II.
I have a Mesa Boogie 212 cab with stock speakers that I'm planning to use with the above.

Is this going to be safe wattage wise? Both mesa speakers are rated for only 90 watts...
I don't plan to be playing this thing on full blast or anything, but I'm worried I'll blow something.

Can anyone explain whether this is safe or not?

Hi Bruce,
You will be fine. We have many customers running 1x12 / 2x12 setups using v30's, gt's etc.

If you have a look for posts by LightninBoy and PaulMapp they explain how to set the output power of the GT800FX to suit a standard cab running from as little as 30W to 60W without damage to the speaker, keeping the rest of the power for good, clean he

If their posts are not that easy to find then let me know and I shall dig them up for you.

My best regards
What Ohms are the speakers?

You should be fine but can restrict the OP of the AFX2 so as not to push too much power into the speakers should you wish - I can tell you how.

if there 16 Ohms speakers you have a 180 Watt 8 Ohm cab. The GT will push 250W into that Maximum - but the speakers will handle that power as peaks anyway. In truth your not going to puch more than around 120-130 Watts RMS from the GT in order to lease 3db headroom for spikes - and your speaker will more than handle it.

If the speakers are 8 Ohms - giving you a 4 Ohm cab youll need to be more carefull as you could push 400w into that 180w cab. Again though its easily restricted. i run my GT into a 60w 8 Ohms cab and have had no issues once things are set up correctly.
Thanks for the responses guys!

The speakers are 16 Ohms each making a 180 watt 8 Ohm cab as paulmapp said...
Sounds like I'll be safe!

Thanks again,
Hmmm this thread got me thinking.... I have an art Sla2 and i think it's 200watt perchannel /8ohms. I run it into 2 412's rated at 280watt. I keep my power amp at about 3 oclock and the axefx volumes anywhere btween 9-1 oclock. Is this safe? I think it is but im not 100%sure. I guess im just looking for some re-assurance
Perfectly safe from power - your cabs can handle more than the Art can provide. the danger for you is SS clipping - which isnt good for speakers - however the Art has a clip light (and I believe some limiting as well) and running at those settings shouldbe be getting your near clipping - though it does depend on the gain structure of the presets not just the front knobs.

If your not getting any clip lights though your fine.
not quiet like the Art. If I recall, it has soft clip - which is quite valve like and not the harsh clip youd normally associate with SS amps and therefore wont cause the same kind of nasty stuff. It doesnt have a clip light though - Matrix went with a signal light which flickers at -9db and remains on at -6db. That equates to 50W when flicking ans 100W when stable into a 4 Ohm load, 30W and 60W into an 8 Ohm load, then 15w and 30w into a 16 Ohm load. While with a 16 Ohm load thats not much use - the Max OP is 130w anyway so should be safe for most 16 Ohm cabs. With 4 and 8 Ohm loads it was deemed more useable as it gives a guide of OP power at or around the powers cabs are more suited for while lesving enough headroom.

Thelight is very useable. Set the AFX up using the gain slider int he global Out menu while both AFX and Matrix are up full so the light on the Matrix flickers when playing your loudest patch hard (with any vol boosts engaged). At that point you know the power the amp is pushing into the speakers. Then raise the gain slider by however many DBs you need to provide the most power your speakers can handle. That way when both hardware vol pots are up full - your at the max volume your cabs will safely handle. from there you control your actual volume from the Matrix gain knob (on the Gen 1 units I used the AFX knob but on the 2 you get that zipper noise doing that so I prefer using the Matrix knob).

for example, if you have a 2x12 cab rated at 8 Ohms loaded with a pair of V30s, you max RMS power handling is 120w. Set the Gain slider of the OP connected to the matrix at its lowest (-12db) set the Matrix knob to its lowest and the AFX knob to its highest. Start playing and raise the Matrix knob to full (you can actually do this with no speaker attached with SS amps - so no danger of damging your cab or blowing your ear drums during the procedure). If the light starts to flicker while raising the Matrix gain to full your patches are too hot - back off the patch gain. Once the Matrix is up full - go back to the global output menu and start raising the gain slider until the Matrix light flickers while playing. At this point your puttong 30w into your cab - if the light goes to permanantly lit quickly (from off) thats fine - it means you putting 60w into the cab - but your better off with the light flicking. So - now you know your at 30w. the cab handles 120w. Each 3db raise doubles the power - so raising the gain slider in the global out by a further 6 db will then push the full 120w into your cab (3 db up from 30w = 60w, then a further 3db up from 60w = 120w). At this point your set. Provided you use the patch as your "comparison" patch and dont make one thats louder - the max you can push with bopth Matrix and AFX front pannel knobs up full is 120w - which matches your cabs handling. If you get the odd spike more than that (possible if you play harder with the adrenaline of a gig) its not an issue - as guitar speakers can handle spikes above their rated power (the manufacturers know for example a 50w tube amp will push up to 80-90w when the power section is pushed hard - so take this into account).
Matrix went with a signal light which flickers at -9db and remains on at -6db. That equates to 50W when flicking ans 100W when stable into a 4 Ohm load, 30W and 60W into an 8 Ohm load, then 15w and 30w into a 16 Ohm load. While with a 16 Ohm load thats not much use - the Max OP is 130w anyway so should be safe for most 16 Ohm cabs. With 4 and 8 Ohm loads it was deemed more useable as it gives a guide of OP power at or around the powers cabs are more suited for while lesving enough headroom.

Thelight is very useable. Set the AFX up using the gain slider int he global Out menu while both AFX and Matrix are up full so the light on the Matrix flickers when playing your loudest patch hard (with any vol boosts engaged). At that point you know the power the amp is pushing into the speakers. Then raise the gain slider by however many DBs you need to provide the most power your speakers can handle. That way when both hardware vol pots are up full - your at the max volume your cabs will safely handle. from there you control your actual volume from the Matrix gain knob (on the Gen 1 units I used the AFX knob but on the 2 you get that zipper noise doing that so I prefer using the Matrix knob).

for example, if you have a 2x12 cab rated at 8 Ohms loaded with a pair of V30s, you max RMS power handling is 120w. Set the Gain slider of the OP connected to the matrix at its lowest (-12db) set the Matrix knob to its lowest and the AFX knob to its highest. Start playing and raise the Matrix knob to full (you can actually do this with no speaker attached with SS amps - so no danger of damging your cab or blowing your ear drums during the procedure). If the light starts to flicker while raising the Matrix gain to full your patches are too hot - back off the patch gain. Once the Matrix is up full - go back to the global output menu and start raising the gain slider until the Matrix light flickers while playing. At this point your puttong 30w into your cab - if the light goes to permanantly lit quickly (from off) thats fine - it means you putting 60w into the cab - but your better off with the light flicking. So - now you know your at 30w. the cab handles 120w. Each 3db raise doubles the power - so raising the gain slider in the global out by a further 6 db will then push the full 120w into your cab (3 db up from 30w = 60w, then a further 3db up from 60w = 120w). At this point your set. Provided you use the patch as your "comparison" patch and dont make one thats louder - the max you can push with bopth Matrix and AFX front pannel knobs up full is 120w - which matches your cabs handling. If you get the odd spike more than that (possible if you play harder with the adrenaline of a gig) its not an issue - as guitar speakers can handle spikes above their rated power (the manufacturers know for example a 50w tube amp will push up to 80-90w when the power section is pushed hard - so take this into account).

This is really useful info that should probably be on the Matrix site too. I thought the Matrix was too much power for my cabs, but it looks like it would be safe using this example.

I do still have a couple questions for paulmapp8306. I have never used the gain slider in the global Out menu before. You explained that part perfectly, that is easy enough. Later you say "If the light starts to flicker while raising the Matrix gain to full your patches are too hot - back off the patch gain." Where exactly are you doing this? Are you going to the LAYOUT menu and then to the MIX page and using the MAIN slider? I haven't used that before either. Thanks...
OldNo7 - yes. What your doing is using the patch you set you levels with s your "reference" patch. ny patch you design or use needs to be the same level or lower - otherwise your putting more power into the Mtrix so more power into you speakers if everything else is maxed. There are several was to set patch levels. I usually use the level control in the amp block, but you can also use the main slider in the mix page as well.
Good idea, I have added it this morning in the F.A.Q section and question 7 :)
F.A.Q. :: Matrix

Good call Matt! This is the thing I wanted to ask you about when my mind went blank when we spoke on the phone the other day. I knew how the lights worked to calculate power output (thanks to Paul and John), but felt it would be good to include it on your site somewhere for other Matrix users to reference to. Probably should be added to manual too perhaps? :)
Dr. Egon Spengler: There's something very important I forgot to tell you.
Dr. Peter Venkman: What?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Don't cross the streams.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Why?
Dr. Egon Spengler: It would be bad.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad"?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Dr Ray Stantz: Total protonic reversal.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.
FWIW I have used my Mesa 2x12 (same exact speaker ratings as yours) with one channel of the Matrix near full blast (Axe up all the way as well). It's really loud and caused absolutely no problems.
Thanks for the info. I've been tempted to comment on how incredible the Axe (speaker sim off) + Matrix sound into a 1x12 closed back cab w/ Greenback at home and low volume jams, but was concerned about recommending a 30 watt speaker w/ the Matrix w/o knowing how to track the power.

If you're looking for a 'cab in the room' home alternative or a little variety from monitors at home - the Matrix sounds great w/ a Greenback.
I just received my gt800fx today and plan on using it with a 2x12 8ohm mono cab loaded with Scumbacks.
I'm not worried about wattage but don't understand how to connect it.
Can someone help me with this?
Just hook one output channel (doesn't matter which one) to the input on your 2x12! Seriously, that's it! You'll get 260 watts of power! If you want to bridge it for more power (will have to make a custom cable; easy to do), you'll get 800 watts of power! (probably too much for your 2x12)

Do you need help with hooking up the Axe to the GT800FX as well?
Thanks Thomas-Hawk
How do you hook the axe to the matrix and what do you set the Matrix to? (stereo or parallel)
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