I updated my Axe III to the new 25.01 firmware issues


New Member
I updated my Axe III to the new 25.01 firmware and every time I use my clean channel with my chorus, my system locks up. I've used this patch for two years with no mods and had no issues before. I have to cycle power every time to get it working again.
Was it on the verge of cpu limits? Cuz on my fm9 some presets show increased cpu usage (probably due to gapless) and I've experienced a similar issue when switching to a preset/scene that uses too much cpu.
Audio is still heard but the unit becomes totally unresponsive
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Not on the verge of the CPU limits. I have a minimal setup for my clean channel, and it only happens when I'm using the chorus. Very weird.
Maybe recreate your preset from scratch, without copying anything from anywhere, and without worrying about block settings, just the structure. If that works, replace each block, one at a time, with a copy of the same one in your broken preset, and test after each step. That might help you zero in on what's wrong.

Just to say it, that kind of detective work is rarely needed, in fact I've never done it. But IF something is screwy, and you care about the preset, going through that might help.
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