Bug? Harmonics setting from X not pasting to Y

Danny Danzi

Power User
Was just doing a few comparisons and noticed the harmonics value is not pasting.


Open Axe Edit, select amp block set to X

Right click X and select "copy X to clipboard"

Press the Y button and then right click on Y and select "Paste clipboard to Y"

Result: Harmonics value defaults to 0 in Y during the paste. I've tested different values in Harmonics before the paste and the value I select in X is never copied and pasted to Y.

I've tried a few different presets that I have and none of them copy the value over. Not really sure this is a bug, but felt it was worth posting in case it was. Any questions from Fractal or if you'd like me to create a video showing the issue, please feel free to reply back here, mail me or private message me. Thanks!
This is an Axe-Edit bug. It works if you use the front panel.

Thanks painkiller. I've narrowed it down to more of a firmware selection bug withing Axe-Edit. I messed with it some more and it seems to keep values using amp blocks that were created using a certain firmware. For example...

Say I have a cab block loaded on X that I want to send to Y that was created with FW 2.0 and my pre-amp section is set for 2.0. Let's say I edit the harmonics and set it to 0.500 on X where default is 0 for FW 2.0. When I copy X to clipboard and paste it to Y, it is defaulting to the 2.0 defaults per my options in pre-amp being set at 2.0, so it doesn't appear to be including the manually changed values I put into harmonics. (0.500)

If I load a cab block that was created using FW 2.01, there is now a default value for the harmonics option. When copying and pasting that preset to Y, it WILL keep the harmonic value of 0.460. So though you are probably correct that it is an Axe Edit issue, it definitely has something to do with FW selection as well. Or at least that is my guess. Some manually edited selections in X don't seem to be pasting over to Y. Hope that explains it a little better. I'm glad it works using the front panel...thanks for sharing that. :)
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