Wish Enable/Disable Send/Return To Increase # of Effect Type Ability


Fractal Fanatic
...With the purpose of enabling/disabling for use with a separate channel...for example...say you want to use 2 or more effects of the same type, but there are options for only 1 effect type. Would it be possible to create a signal path with

Input >> Effect >> Amp >

and place a Send & Return before and after the Effect in parallel and only use separate channels to change the type of Effect?

Enabling/Disabling Send & Return would allow for up to 4 separate effects of the same type where only 1 effect type is available. In FM9, Pitch, for example. Or other effect types where only one effect type is possible.

Or would this not work, because it might create a horrendous feedback loop? Plz offer your advice. And steer me in the correct way if this or something like this might be viable...
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