Electro Harmonix Freeze maybe?


Is there anyway the ultra can produce something of this nature? Im considering purchasing it but i wasn't sure if something like this could be done. Any insight would be awesome. Thanks guys!
Do a search. It's been covered pretty extensively in the past. Yes, it can be done.


Actually, I've yet to find anyone's suggestion that works like a Freeze pedal, includes Yeks. I own a Freeze- clean tone in, clean held note out, works immediately without needing to slowly sweep into it. If the Axe-FX can accurately do what an EHX Freeze does, I haven't seen anyone do it yet.
Actually, I've yet to find anyone's suggestion that works like a Freeze pedal, includes Yeks. I own a Freeze- clean tone in, clean held note out, works immediately without needing to slowly sweep into it. If the Axe-FX can accurately do what an EHX Freeze does, I haven't seen anyone do it yet.

Keep looking then. I've heard the clips of the Axe-FX doing it, but I'm not inclined to go dig them up. The pedal never interested me all that much...

Keep looking then. I've heard the clips of the Axe-FX doing it, but I'm not inclined to go dig them up. The pedal never interested me all that much...


I've looked ;) The closest I've heard was one by JavaJunkie that didn't have the simplest interface and seemed to still have a bit of a delay effect on the held note. To get it to do what the Freeze does, you'd need to have a clean tone in, clean held note, and clean tone to play over the held note, along with a simple interface for changing held notes quickly. If the pedal never interested you much, you might not know how differently it works/sounds than what's been done with the Axe.
in my version you just rock a controller back and forth to capture whatever's playing. i don't think it works in the same way the freeze does, but then again i don't know how the freeze actually works. personally, i think mine sounds nicer, but then i've only heard crummy youtube demos of the ehx.

in my version you just rock a controller back and forth to capture whatever's playing. i don't think it works in the same way the freeze does, but then again i don't know how the freeze actually works. personally, i think mine sounds nicer, but then i've only heard crummy youtube demos of the ehx.

As you know you, can easily do it with a switch as well.
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I've looked ;) The closest I've heard was one by JavaJunkie that didn't have the simplest interface and seemed to still have a bit of a delay effect on the held note. To get it to do what the Freeze does, you'd need to have a clean tone in, clean held note, and clean tone to play over the held note, along with a simple interface for changing held notes quickly. If the pedal never interested you much, you might not know how differently it works/sounds than what's been done with the Axe.

Dangit! I forgot my ears only worked when I was considering buying a pedal. I'm not capable of critical listening under any other circumstances, or at least my conclusions can't be trusted...

Nevertheless, I like some of the Axe clips better than the ones I've heard from the Freeze. It's a cool idea, but I don't really need it for my playing needs. If I did, I'd get the sound in the Axe-FX before I would buy that pedal.

Dangit! I forgot my ears only worked when I was considering buying a pedal. I'm not capable of critical listening under any other circumstances, or at least my conclusions can't be trusted...

Nevertheless, I like some of the Axe clips better than the ones I've heard from the Freeze. It's a cool idea, but I don't really need it for my playing needs. If I did, I'd get the sound in the Axe-FX before I would buy that pedal.


Geez- wake up on the wrong side of the bed today buddy? :D

Critical listening means nothing when speaking of the functionality of a pedal. Hearing the Axe hold an affected chord does not mean you've heard it do what a Freeze can do. While the clips I've heard using the Axe sound lovely, I haven't heard anyone replicate the usefulness of the Freeze yet (which includes clean freezes and quick sample changes). Also, the Freeze can sound perfectly fine when used properly- I'm sure Simeon could make a clip using it that would sound just as nice as his sample with the Axe...then again, he could probably make a tin can sound like a million bucks too :)

FWIW, I'd LOVE it if someone found a way to make the Axe function just like the Freeze so I could get it off of my pedalboard. It's been on my Axe wish list for a while.
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