My Current IR Musings and Methods


Fractal Fanatic
After playing with IR's for sometime, and different ways of evaluating/mixing them, etc., I've found that these Redwirez/stock IR's, and tweaking setup, gets me a lot of great tones and flexibility for my cab sim needs for live use:

4x12 Cab IR's:

T75 M160 CapEdge 6”:

I use this IR mainly for its punchy low end. I follow it with a blocking PEQ on the top end, and adjust that to get the overall high end dialed in for my ears. I've used this one on its own, but found it needed a lot of fiddling with post-PEQ and a mid-rich cab to be mixed in with it. But I just always loved how it captured a certain feel I like on the low end, and its strong articulation. I mix this with one of the following two IR's to round out the mids and for further refinement. I call this my 'feel' IR.

T75 U87 CapEdge 2”:

I find this IR to have rich mids and sharp-ish articulation on the high end; single notes define nicely for solos with this IR. The bottom is a bit rounded, in that it doesn't have the snap on the low end I sometimes want, so I mix this with the T75 M160 CapEdge 6”. This IR on its own has a great overall balance and tone that I can easily work with, and is usable by itself. If there was only one user IR slot in the AFX, this is the one I'd load into it.

T75 U87 CapEdge 1”:

I find this IR also has really fat mids, but is warmer and has less articulation in the high end than the T75 U87 CapEdge 2” (everything is generally more rounded and smoother). This is a great IR for use for mid-fattening, and I'm finding it useful, both on it's own and mixed with the T75 M160 CapEdge 6” for additional low end punch. I call this my 'smooth-dark' IR. Hi gain tones seem to favor this IR.

I'm using the following setup to tweak all of this (using two hi-res cab blocks and three IR slots):

---CAB 1(T75 M160 CapEdge 6”)----PEQ--------\___MIX
---CAB 2(T75 U87 CapEdge 2” or 1")------------/

Again, the PEQ allows me to easily dial in the overall high end since CAB1 has a lot of high end energy, and using a MIX block makes it easier to get the right balance between the two cabs. I'm finding it's easier to mix IR's in the AFX than by any other method, since your getting true, instant feedback on the overall tone/feel and how the mix 'behaves', and small adjustments can yield big changes in both the tone/feel.

I usually start with the first cab at around 12:00 in the MIX block, and second cab ends up anywhere from 10:00 to 2:00, depending on the amp I'm using and what my sonic goal is.

I should note again that I've distilled these IR's for my live use at stage levels (not mega-loud, but certainly not at bedroom levels) so the character and feel won't be apparent until you move a bit of air.

For my Marshall/mid-gain tones and amp sims, I increase the Damping and B+ parameters and run a lot of Master until I feel that Marshall kick. When I run through my RCF-310a, on some amp sims decreasing, rather than increasing, the Speaker Res Freq to ~84Hz brings out a thump I like.

Even without user IR slots, I could use the stock 4x12 30W cab, mix in the stock 1x6 oval cab for a 'mid control' and be perfectly satisfied; the stock 4x12 30W on its own captures a lot of the character of my real 4x12/G12-65 cab listening to it from a few feet away...I still use it for my 4x12 cab IR on two patch banks tweaked for two other guitars.

I use the stock 2x12 G12H far field cab with the Vox/Maz/Fender/boutique, etc. sims...for everything else really; it's a perfect match for those sims and I get fantastic tones with it.

Anyway, I thought I'd share my musings on what I've found working for me with the AFX/FRFR/IR's so far....a current snapshot of the work in progess...
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Thank you for sharing; I for one find these sorts of posts the most informative of all. It always fascinates me to stop, look and listen to what others are doing because the method and 'madness' :)D) is usually different than mine and I always learn from doing so. Really appreciate you taking the time to share. Very helpful of you.
Thanks Scott; I too am always interested in what others find regarding IR's and how they use them in live situations.

While I'm still using my RCF-310a live, I'm migrating over to a Tannoy V12 as soon as find an appropriate amp for it. All the IR's I like work well with either output device.
As Scott said: thanks for sharing. Nice tip on the use of the Mixer block.
What's your Oval cab level set at?
Thanks Yek....

My Oval cab is anywhere from around -25dB to -16dB (with the other main IR at 0dB), depending on the how the mids sound for any given amp, tonestack, dirt levels, etc.

I like using the MIX block since you can go back and forth to either cab level with a single button tap ( < or > ).
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good stuff.
thanks for sharing.

I'm getting into Jay's far field responses, too, they're great! Adding the 1x10 Gold to Jay's Far fields add a nice high end. The U87 mic sim works great as an overall high end sweetener.
I also like experimenting with a mix of two 1x12s (Tweed + Black kicks ass) to 'build' a custom 2x12.
The crossover block is wonderful to mix the low end of one cab to the high end of another (x-over frequency at around 550Hz), still working on it, not ready to share, yet. ;)
good stuff.
thanks for sharing.

I'm getting into Jay's far field responses, too, they're great! Adding the 1x10 Gold to Jay's Far fields add a nice high end. The U87 mic sim works great as an overall high end sweetener.
I also like experimenting with a mix of two 1x12s (Tweed + Black kicks ass) to 'build' a custom 2x12.
The crossover block is wonderful to mix the low end of one cab to the high end of another (x-over frequency at around 550Hz), still working on it, not ready to share, yet. ;)

Ahh interesting experiment to get your 'ideal' 2x12; that's the same intent I have when mixing IR's and making a 'custom' 4x12; something built for my specs/ears, etc. And your thoughts on using a crossover to blend cabs is idea indeed, and I hope you share the results from your 'laboratory' ;-)

I'm also playing with the T75 M160 CapEdge 5” as an alternative to the T75 M160 CapEdge 6” as my 'feel' IR; it's fuller and might work better ultimately. It's really, really cold right now where I live, so I'm spending a lot of time indoors playing with my sonic 'chemistry set' these days...and evaluating IRs', my 4x12 mix...
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I hadn't thought of using the mix block to essentially tune cabs..
Great idea.. thanks

I should mention that I only use the mixer on a special test patch I've setup to evaluate how any two IR's will sound blended with various amps, and start with the levels at 12:00 since, when experimenting, the levels can get away from you when combining a new amp and/or IR' just helps to 'keep a lid on things' until you know how any given combination will behave.

When I find two IR's that will work blended, I'll go to a production patch (with no MIX block), put whichever cab is mixed higher at 0dB, and bring up the second cab.
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