CPU Usage for Ultra 10.03 and Computed by Axe-Edit 0.9.191


Fractal Fanatic
CPU Usage for Ultra 10.03, Standard 10.04, and Computed by Axe-Edit 0.9.191

A while back I collected some data about how much CPU is used by individual blocks and functions. The forum admin has kindly provided a tag so that I can post the data here without losing the formatting. This isn't exhaustive, but it does give a general idea.

Note: When the Ultra display toggled rapidly between two values, say 8.0 and 8.1, I wrote it as 8.05.

Block          Setting          Axe-Fx   minus ‘none’  AxeEdit   Notes
none                            6.2       -              7        no shunts, noise gate off
Noise Gate                      7.9       1.7            7
Shunt 1                         6.45      0.25           7
Shunt 2                         6.45      0.25           7
Shunt 2                         6.45      0.25           7        connect two shunts
Shunt 12                        7.5       1.3            7        connect input to output
Amp 1                          27.45     21.25          28                              
Amp 1,2                        48.5      42.3           48
Amp 1          Jazz            25.05     18.85          28
               Brownface       26.3      20.1           28
               Bassguy         25.7      19.5           28
               Deluxe Verb     26.05     19.85          28
               Double Verb     26.2      20             28
               Class A         26.9      20.7           28
               Top Boost       26.4      20.2           28
Cab 1                          13.55      7.35          15        Mono Hires 1x12 E12L no mic
Cab 1,2                        20.65     14.45          23
Cab 1          Mono Lores      10.45      4.25          15        1x12 E12L no mic
Cab 1          stereo          13.9       7.7           15
Cab 1          57 DYN          13.55      7.35          15        Mono Hires 1x12 E12L
Cab 1          USER 1          13.55      7.35          15        User IR
Chorus 1                        9.8       3.6           13
Chorus 1,2                     13.25      7.05          19
Compressor 1                   10.5       4.3           11
Compressor 1,2                 14.75      8.55          14
X-Over 1                        4.45      1.2            9
X-Over 1,2                      8.55      2.3           11
Delay 1                        10.25      4.05          12
Delay 1,2                      14.2       8             18
Drive 1                        12.85      6.65          14
Drive 1,2                      19.35     13.15          21
Drive 1        PI Fuzz         12.25      6.05          14
Drive 1        Tube Drive      13.7       7.5           14
Drive 1        Super OD        13.1       6.9           14
Drive 1        Tape Dist       12.85      6.65          14
Effects Loop                    6.75      0.55           8
Enhance                         7.2       1              8
Feedback Send                   6.35      0.15           8
Feedback Return                 6.75      0.55           8
Feeback Send/Return             6.8       0.6            9
Filter 1       NULL             6.95      0.75           8
Filter 1,2     NULL             7.55      1.35           9
Filter 1,2,3   NULL             8.1       1.9           10
Filter 1,2,3,4 NULL             8.7       2.5           11
Filter 1       LOWPASS          6.95      0.75           8
Filter 1       BANDPASS         6.95      0.75           8
Filter 1       PEAKING          6.95      0.75           8
Filter 1       NOTCH            6.95      0.75           8
Flanger 1                       8.5       2.3           11
Flanger 1,2                    10.65      4.45          14
Formant                         7.45      1.25           9
GateExp 1                       7.2       1             10
GateExp 1,2                     8.1       1.9           12
GEQ 1                           7.65      1.45           9
GEQ 1,2                         8.9       2.7           11
GEQ 1,2,3                      10.2       4             12
GEQ 1,2,3,4                    11.6       5.4           14
Megatap                         8.3       2.1           12
Mixer 1                         6.5       0.3            8
Mixer 1,2                       6.65      0.45           9
M-Comp 1                        9.6       3.45           14       Ultra shows 13.3 initially
M-Comp 1,2                     12.7       6.5            21       Ultra shows 20.35 initially
MultiDly 1                     11.3       5.1            12
MultiDly 1,2                   16.1       9.9            16
PanTrem 1                       7.3       1.1            11
PanTrem 1,2                     8.3       2.1            14
PEQ 1                           7.3       1.1             9
PEQ 1,2                         8.2       2              11
PEQ 1,2,3                       9.15      2.95           12
PEQ 1,2,3,4                    10.1       3.9            14
Phaser 1                        8.75      2.55           12
Phaser 1,2                     11.15      4.95           18
Pitch 1                        10.4       4.2            14
Pitch 1,2                      14.45      8.25           21
QuadChor 1                     13.9       7.7            15
QuadChor 1,2                   21.3      15.1            23
Reso 1                          9.2       3              10
Reso 1,2                       11.8       5.6            12
Reverb 1                       13.7       7.5            16
Reverb 1,2                     20.95     14.75           24
Ringmod                         7.3       1.1             9
Rotary 1                        9.45      3.25           10
Rotary 1,2                     12.45      6.25           12
Synth 1                        13.5       7.3            14
Synth 1,2                      19.4      13.2            21
Vocoder                        14.85      8.65           18
VolPan 1                        6.9       0.7             8
                                7.05      0.85            8        One controller
                                7.3       1.1             8        Two controllers
VolPan 1,2                      7.45      1.25            9
VolPan 1,2,3                    8.0       1.8            10
VolPan 1,2,3,4                  8.55      2.35           11
Wahwah 1                        7.05      0.85            8
Wahwah 1,2                      7.7       1.5             9
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Great list! Helpful and good to know. I constantly am maxing out my ultra, this might give me some ideas where I might be able to save a little on CPU cycles.

Sticky or wiki?
Are you saying that using four PEQs only uses about 3% more than using just one, even though one uses about 7%?

And why is it called CPU instead of DSP?
Are you saying that using four PEQs only uses about 3% more than using just one, even though one uses about 7%?

And why is it called CPU instead of DSP?

I assume the TigerSharc is considered the CPU, DSP being one of its functions.

The values include the ~6.2% used by an empty layout, so each PEQ actually adds just under 1%.

LMO, these might easier to work with if that base % was excluded from each block's value. Then someone could add what's listed for various blocks, account for shunts/connections and their base % (which can be as low as 4.85 and varies with I/O settings--Copy Out 1 to 2 adds about 1.2%) to get an accurate total as quickly as possible.
Are you saying that using four PEQs only uses about 3% more than using just one, even though one uses about 7%?

And why is it called CPU instead of DSP?
Keep in mind that about 6.2% of the CPU is used before anything at all is added to the grid. Adding one PEQ bumps this to 7.3%, and yes, adding four PEQs bumps it to 10.1%.

One reason to call it CPU is because that is what it says on the Utility display on the AxeFx, and on AxeEdit.
...these might easier to work with if that base % was excluded from each block's value. Then someone could add what's listed for various blocks, account for shunts/connections and their base % (which can be as low as 4.85 and varies with I/O settings--Copy Out 1 to 2 adds about 1.2%) to get an accurate total as quickly as possible.
Perhaps. Let me do some checking to see if the numbers are consistent.

Edit: I've gone back and added another column to the original post subtracting the base CPU load. I also fixed a couple of entries that were incorrect. On the M-Comp blocks I saw the CPU load go to a higher value (e.g. 13.3%) and then drop to a lower value (e.g. 9.6%) after a few seconds. The Axe-Edit estimate is closer to the high value, but I'm not sure what is going on there.
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Here's what I found using many shunts (32, the maximum) and connections (112) for precision:

Shunt: 0.069% (±0.003%)

Connecting 2 blocks/shunts: 0.035% (±0.001%)

The (automatic) connection between input and anything in the first column also adds around 0.035%. Last column to output adds more, around 0.06%.
Added CPU usage from Axe-Fx Standard

Hi all, for those interested I've created a CPU load usage list from my Axe-Fx Standard (firmware 10.04), using the original posted list for the Ultra as a basis (I basically added two new additional columns for the Standard, as "Axe-Fx" and, "minus ‘none’" to the immediate left of the "AxeEdit" column). For effect blocks not in my Axe-Fx Standard I've used "n/a" (i.e. not applicable).

                                 Ultra 10.03              Standard 10.04    
Block           Setting       Axe-Fx   minus ‘none’    Axe-Fx    minus ‘none’   AxeEdit   Notes
none                          6.2          -           5.6           -            7       no shunts, noise gate off
Noise Gate                    7.9        1.7           7.8         2.2            7    
Shunt 1                       6.45       0.25          5.9         0.3            7    
Shunt 2                       6.45       0.25          5.9         0.3            7    
Shunt 2                       6.45       0.25          5.9         0.3            7       connect two shunts
Shunt 12                      7.5        1.3           7.3         1.7            7       connect input to output
Amp 1                        27.45      21.25         31.1        25.5           28    
Amp 1,2                      48.5       42.3          56.4        50.8           48    
Amp 1           Jazz         25.05      18.85         28.4        22.8           28    
                Brownface    26.3       20.1          29.7        24.1           28    
                Bassguy      25.7       19.5          29.1        23.5           28    
                Deluxe Verb  26.05      19.85         29.5        23.9           28    
                Double Verb  26.2       20            29.6        24             28    
                Class A      26.9       20.7          30.5        24.9           28    
                Top Boost    26.4       20.2          29.9        24.3           28    
Cab 1                        13.55       7.35         14.4         8.8           15       Mono Hires 1x12 E12L no mic
Cab 1,2                      20.65      14.45         23.0        17.4           23    
Cab 1           Mono Lores   10.45       4.25         10.6         5             15       1x12 E12L no mic
Cab 1           stereo       13.9        7.7          14.8         9.2           15    
Cab 1           57 DYN       13.55       7.35         14.4         8.8           15       Mono Hires 1x12 E12L
Cab 1           USER 1       13.55       7.35         14.4         8.8           15       User IR
Chorus 1                      9.8        3.6           9.7         4.1           13    
Chorus 1,2                   13.25       7.05         13.5         7.9           19    
Compressor 1                 10.5        4.3          10.8         5.2           11    
Compressor 1,2               14.75       8.55         16.3        10.7           14    
X-Over 1                      4.45      -1.75          n/a         n/a            9    
X-Over 1,2                    8.55       2.35          n/a         n/a           11    
Delay 1                      10.25       4.05         10.4         4.8           12    
Delay 1,2                    14.2        8            15           9.4           18    
Drive 1                      12.85       6.65         14.2         8.6           14    
Drive 1,2                    19.35      13.15         22.3        16.7           21    
Drive 1         PI Fuzz      12.25       6.05         13.4         7.8           14    
Drive 1         Tube Drive   13.7        7.5          15.1         9.5           14    
Drive 1         Super OD     13.1        6.9          14.3         8.7           14    
Drive 1         Tape Dist    12.85       6.65         14.1         8.5           14    
Effects Loop                  6.75       0.55         7.8          2.2            8    
Enhance                       7.2        1            6.7          1.1            8    
Feedback Send                 6.35       0.15         5.8          0.2            8    
Feedback Return               6.75       0.55         6.3          0.7            8    
Feeback Send/Return           6.8        0.6          6.4          0.8            9    
Filter 1        NULL          6.95       0.75         6.6          1              8    
Filter 1,2      NULL          7.55       1.35         7.3          1.7            9    
Filter 1,2,3    NULL          8.1        1.9          n/a          n/a           10    
Filter 1,2,3,4  NULL          8.7        2.5          n/a          n/a           11    
Filter 1        LOWPASS       6.95       0.75         6.6          1              8    
Filter 1        BANDPASS      6.95       0.75         6.6          1              8    
Filter 1        PEAKING       6.95       0.75         6.6          1              8    
Filter 1        NOTCH         6.95       0.75         6.6          1              8    
Flanger 1                     8.5        2.3          8.3          2.7           11    
Flanger 1,2                  10.65       4.45        10.6          5             14    
Formant                       7.45       1.25         7.1          1.5            9    
GateExp 1                     7.2        1            n/a          n/a           10    
GateExp 1,2                   8.1        1.9          n/a          n/a           12    
GEQ 1                         7.65       1.45         7.4          1.8            9    
GEQ 1,2                       8.9        2.7          8.9          3.3           11    
GEQ 1,2,3                    10.2        4            n/a          n/a           12    
GEQ 1,2,3,4                  11.6        5.4          n/a          n/a           14    
Megatap                       8.3        2.1          n/a          n/a           12    
Mixer 1                       6.5        0.3          5.9          0.3            8    
Mixer 1,2                     6.65       0.45         6.2          0.6            9    
M-Comp 1                      9.6        3.4          n/a          n/a           14       Ultra shows 13.3 initially
M-Comp 1,2                   12.7        6.5          n/a          n/a           21       Ultra shows 20.35 initially
MultiDly 1                   11.3        5.1         11.4          5.8           12    
MultiDly 1,2                 16.1        9.9         17.2         11.6           16    
PanTrem 1                     7.3        1.1          7            1.4           11    
PanTrem 1,2                   8.3        2.1          8            2.4           14    
PEQ 1                         7.3        1.1          7            1.4            9    
PEQ 1,2                       8.2        2            8.1          2.5           11    
PEQ 1,2,3                     9.15       2.95         n/a          n/a           12    
PEQ 1,2,3,4                  10.1        3.9          n/a          n/a           14    
Phaser 1                      8.75       2.55         8.8          3.2           12    
Phaser 1,2                   11.15       4.95        11.8          6.2           18    
Pitch 1                      10.4        4.2         10.3          4.7           14    
Pitch 1,2                    14.45       8.25         n/a          n/a           21    
QuadChor 1                   13.9        7.7          n/a          n/a           15    
QuadChor 1,2                 21.3       15.1          n/a          n/a           23    
Reso 1                        9.2        3            n/a          n/a           10    
Reso 1,2                     11.8        5.6          n/a          n/a           12    
Reverb 1                     13.7        7.5         15.1          9.7           16    
Reverb 1,2                   20.95     14.75         24.2         18.6           24    
Ringmod                      7.3         1.1          n/a          n/a            9    
Rotary 1                     9.45        3.25         9.2          3.6           10    
Rotary 1,2                  12.45        6.25        12.5          6.9           12    
Synth 1                     13.5         7.3          n/a          n/a           14    
Synth 1,2                   19.4        13.2          n/a          n/a           21    
Vocoder                     14.85        8.65         n/a          n/a           18    
VolPan 1                     6.9         0.7          6.5          0.9            8    
                             7.05        0.85         6.7          1.1            8       One controller
                             7.3         1.1          7            1.4            8       Two controllers
VolPan 1,2                   7.45        1.25         n/a          n/a            9    
VolPan 1,2,3                 8           1.8          n/a          n/a           10    
VolPan 1,2,3,4               8.55        2.35         n/a          n/a           11    
Wahwah 1                     7.05        0.85         6.7          1.1            8    
Wahwah 1,2                   7.7         1.5          7.4          1.8            9
Yeah, in a lazy kind of way. The topic on CPU% has à link to this thread. :)
What does the 'Minus' value represent (or what does it mean)?
That's the difference between the baseline CPU usage and the total CPU usage with the block. It's the actual CPU percentage that the block uses.
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