Analog Delay/Memoryman


Power User
I know its been talked about a bit before, but is there a way to replicate the memoryman sound. I guess the best way i can describe what i'm after is a delay that on the repeats it esentially gets "broken up" or "muddied up" as it delays out. I know that there is a MOD tab, but i really haven't been able to replicate this well with the axe fx. Is there anyone that can give me some tips for this?

Many thanks in advance.
yek said:
1) Look up the Vintage Digital Delay factory preset.
2) Or: ... Tape_delay
3) Or try the preset in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=10011

Unfortunately that is probably not going to do it. The memory man is neither a digital delay or a tape delay ;)

The dub delay is an awesome sounding delay (very tape delayish) but it sounds very little like an analog delay.

The simple way to replicate this is to set your high cut parameter down low (any where from 2-8KHz). The lower you go the more the highs will get cut off. You can increase the filter slope from 6db/octave to 12 or 18 for a faster roll off. Increase the drive parameter to give the repeats some grit. Use the mod stuff (sine or triangle) to simulate the chorus/vibrato of the memory man. I have not been able to get the modulation to sound exactly like the memoryman's but it the axe-fx is much more versatile.

The more complex way of doing this is to send a delay signal (no feedback) into a feedback send and return loop. You then place a lowpass filter set ~3-6KHz in the send/return loop. Instructions on how to do the send/return thing can be found here: ... Delay_loop

This method can result in a more intense effect but you have to be careful for runway feedback and clipping.
javajunkie said:
yek said:
1) Look up the Vintage Digital Delay factory preset.
2) Or: ... Tape_delay
3) Or try the preset in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=10011

Unfortunately that is probably not going to do it. The memory man is neither a digital delay or a tape delay ;)

The dub delay is an awesome sounding delay (very tape delayish) but it sounds very little like an analog delay.

The simple way to replicate this is to set your high cut parameter down low (any where from 2-8KHz). The lower you go the more the highs will get cut off. You can increase the filter slope from 6db/octave to 12 or 18 for a faster roll off. Increase the drive parameter to give the repeats some grit. Use the mod stuff (sine or triangle) to simulate the chorus/vibrato of the memory man. I have not been able to get the modulation to sound exactly like the memoryman's but it the axe-fx is much more versatile.

The more complex way of doing this is to send a delay signal (no feedback) into a feedback send and return loop. You then place a lowpass filter set ~3-6KHz in the send/return loop. Instructions on how to do the send/return thing can be found here: ... Delay_loop

This method can result in a more intense effect but you have to be careful for runway feedback and clipping.

Thanks for all the tips so far. I'll try all these out to see what i can make of them.

I wonder if Cliff has an intentions of creating an "analog delay" for the Axe Fx? I hope so. The axe is great already, but that seems to be one sound that is a bit hard to emulate.
D20 said:
javajunkie said:
yek said:
1) Look up the Vintage Digital Delay factory preset.
2) Or: ... Tape_delay
3) Or try the preset in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=10011

Unfortunately that is probably not going to do it. The memory man is neither a digital delay or a tape delay ;)

The dub delay is an awesome sounding delay (very tape delayish) but it sounds very little like an analog delay.

The simple way to replicate this is to set your high cut parameter down low (any where from 2-8KHz). The lower you go the more the highs will get cut off. You can increase the filter slope from 6db/octave to 12 or 18 for a faster roll off. Increase the drive parameter to give the repeats some grit. Use the mod stuff (sine or triangle) to simulate the chorus/vibrato of the memory man. I have not been able to get the modulation to sound exactly like the memoryman's but it the axe-fx is much more versatile.

The more complex way of doing this is to send a delay signal (no feedback) into a feedback send and return loop. You then place a lowpass filter set ~3-6KHz in the send/return loop. Instructions on how to do the send/return thing can be found here: ... Delay_loop

This method can result in a more intense effect but you have to be careful for runway feedback and clipping.

Thanks for all the tips so far. I'll try all these out to see what i can make of them.

I wonder if Cliff has an intentions of creating an "analog delay" for the Axe Fx? I hope so. The axe is great already, but that seems to be one sound that is a bit hard to emulate.

Not really, roll off the highs, roll of a bit of the lows, and add some hair.

The modulation of the memory man is what I have not been able to emulate. Guitar Rig 4 is about the best I've heard at emulating it.
I suppose everyone has their "must have" effects and I must say the memory man is one of mine. I agree, Guitar Rig 4 has a really good model of it. I almost gave up on GR4 until I used the delay man.
I haven't been able to replicate it on the AxeFX... the LFO's don't cut it. It really needs to be a built in chorus.
grape said:
I suppose everyone has their "must have" effects and I must say the memory man is one of mine. I agree, Guitar Rig 4 has a really good model of it. I almost gave up on GR4 until I used the delay man.
I haven't been able to replicate it on the AxeFX... the LFO's don't cut it. It really needs to be a built in chorus.

The LFO's are a built in chorus. It just doesn't have the correct waveforms.

If you want a full blown chorus is the delay feedback the use the send/return blocks and a chorus block. Set the feedback to 0 on the delay and control feedback with the return levels.
Here is an example form the WIKI on one way to route it (replace rotary with chorus)"

Another key to approaching the DMM sound is to set the depth range of the modulation to high (assuming you're using the modulation within the delay block). I haven't really nailed the sound with it , but that's primarily because I don't have a DMM to directly compare. When I'm trying to get a sound based on clips, the best I can do is just try to get close.

The two things missing IMO to nail it are the right modulation waveform and the preamp sound. The DMM preamp voicing is pretty strong and gritty, so that's definately a factor. I've heard that it generates white noise as well when the repeats are going, but I haven't verified that myself.

Cliff was saying you could get the mod sound right with the triangle waveform and the right LFO phase setting. To get that precise though, I would have to have one to A/B with. If Sean can't get it right (he does have the real deal), I'm thinking that you can't get it exactly. Unless you're really picky, I think you could probably get very close though. Some of the stuff we obsess about when A/Bing effects is impossible to detect in a live music context. I've quit beating myself up about that last .00009993% of difference lately. Or at least I'm trying to quit worrying about that last little difference.

The M13 Analog with modulation is a nice delay sound, but I don't think it really nails the DMM sound. I've gotten closer with the Axe-FX. I haven't tried GR4.

I revisited GR4 and came up with this

(I might have to re-configure it into the send/return setup)

Delay (duh)
mod set to tri
rate is modulated a tiny bit by trapezoid LFO1
LFO1 rate is modulated with high damping a tiny bit by slow square wave LFO2

63 -0.3
125 -0.3
250 -0.6
2k 0.0

there'a also some panning going on that I haven't adressed yet...


  • VibroVerb Memory Man.syx
    2 KB · Views: 167
dk_ace said:
The M13 Analog with modulation is a nice delay sound, but I don't think it really nails the DMM sound. I've gotten closer with the Axe-FX. I haven't tried GR4.


I had a little jam session last night with my M13 and AC15, and I have to eat my words on this one. It's actually pretty close. It misses most of the grit that I mainly attribute to the DMM preamp, but the modulation section was closer than I had first thought. It isn't 100%, but for the more normal settings of the DMM, it does a dang good job.

I look forward to trying Don's Axe patches. I would like to get closer to the DMM sound for some patches in the Axe-FX. I rarely use the M13 in conjunction with the M13 anymore as I don't like to carry any more gear than I have to.

javajunkie said:
The LFO's are a built in chorus. It just doesn't have the correct waveforms.

Does anyone have a map or graph of the correct waveform?

Could someone who owns one, for instance, run a 1k sine wave into the DMM and record this?

I'm thinking you could create this waveform manually using the sequencer, set up to modulate the time of a 2nd delay (0-20ms?) standing in for the chorus, with a little damping to smooth the curve.
Matman said:
javajunkie said:
The LFO's are a built in chorus. It just doesn't have the correct waveforms.

Does anyone have a map or graph of the correct waveform?

Could someone who owns one, for instance, run a 1k sine wave into the DMM and record this?

I'm thinking you could create this waveform manually using the sequencer, set up to modulate the time of a 2nd delay (0-20ms?) standing in for the chorus, with a little damping to smooth the curve.

Exactly, that's what I thought.
Matman said:
javajunkie said:
The LFO's are a built in chorus. It just doesn't have the correct waveforms.

Does anyone have a map or graph of the correct waveform?

Could someone who owns one, for instance, run a 1k sine wave into the DMM and record this?

I'm thinking you could create this waveform manually using the sequencer, set up to modulate the time of a 2nd delay (0-20ms?) standing in for the chorus, with a little damping to smooth the curve.

Now that is borderlining on brilliant. I have never thought of that as a possibility. Hopefully someone with a real DMM can record a clip that will work for this.

Matman said:
javajunkie said:
The LFO's are a built in chorus. It just doesn't have the correct waveforms.

Does anyone have a map or graph of the correct waveform?

Could someone who owns one, for instance, run a 1k sine wave into the DMM and record this?

I'm thinking you could create this waveform manually using the sequencer, set up to modulate the time of a 2nd delay (0-20ms?) standing in for the chorus, with a little damping to smooth the curve.

I'll try to get around to it sometime next week.
javajunkie said:
Matman said:
javajunkie said:
The LFO's are a built in chorus. It just doesn't have the correct waveforms.

Does anyone have a map or graph of the correct waveform?

Could someone who owns one, for instance, run a 1k sine wave into the DMM and record this?

I'm thinking you could create this waveform manually using the sequencer, set up to modulate the time of a 2nd delay (0-20ms?) standing in for the chorus, with a little damping to smooth the curve.

I'll try to get around to it sometime next week.

Great! Do we know of anyone else who has one? Would be nice to compare multiple units.
DonPetersen said:

+ feedback loop
+ tape dist
+ some tweaking

Don, this a fantastic preset - thanks so much for sharing it. A couple of quick questions from a relative noob to the Axe, however :

Would you mind explaining how the effect routing actually works? Specifically what's going on with the FB send and return and also why is the whole effect chain run in parallel to the dry signal? I've not set up an effects routing like this and would like to understand more about what's actually going on here.

Additionally, what parameters would you change in your patch to replicate changing the buttons on the MM? For example, is there anything in the patch that would be equivalent to changing the Blend, Level and Feedback controls? Likewise the Depth and Delay controls?

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