michael landau

  1. weird guitar person

    Routing magic!

    Built a lot of rigs over the years, imitating my heroes and heroines naively in the absence of the knowledge that we take for granted online these days. Kind of a shame, as I was 90% of the way there on many of the rigs I put together. Some of the features in my nineties era multi-effect rack...
  2. weird guitar person

    Landau tri-chorus output routing?

    Hey refrigerator rack organization fans, Daniel here. I've a question perhaps touched upon elsewhere, but taking a chance on starting a new, targeted thread. I've noticed that in multiple schematics of Michael Landau, Bradshaw rigs from the 80's and 90's that the Dytronics Tri-Stereo Chorus is...
  3. weird guitar person

    Wish Add input source to pitch block.

    This request goes for the pitch block across models, but it affects me most on the FM3 where I'm pushing up against the processor limits so posting here. I've been working on a patch where the pitch block is in parallel with the reverb block. Those blocks are preceded by a stereo effect, and I...
  4. camilovelandiamusic

    Wish Vemuram Landau Distortion

    Well, its new so I figured I’d ask 🤣
  5. camilovelandiamusic

    AFIII Michael Landau style Tri Stereo Chorus

    Hey guys! Here's a preset based on Landau's tri-stereo chorus from the 80's. Hope you dig :)
  6. camilovelandiamusic

    AFIII Axe-Fx 3: Ambience & Special FX

    Hey guys! New video on ambience FX and some others (synth, organ, etc) Note: The tri-stereo chorus is loosely based on the Michael Landau tri-chorus rig from his first album... as much as I could with the fractal modeling anyway.
  7. Andrea Maccianti

    80's Patch

  8. fireheart82

    Wich sounds closes to Landau TSC rig :

    I wonder if someone could alter or fix AX8 tones to be more like the XL tones. Cheat with using someting else to compensate for Reverb shutting down on to many block inserts.. Pitcher, phaser(ad some lush), chorus (wich one of them are best in ax8), multi delay that can be like reverb included...
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